Thank you for your questions. Keep pursuing your alignment to that which draws out your innermost desire to contribute what is stored inside of you. If you do this, you will inhabit the integrity of your actions - which is the best place to live in the times to come.

I am appreciative of your interest and desire to understand more about these works. To those of you who are studying these materials, please be attentive to the path you have chosen to walk. This path is not for dabbling, or mental exercise. It is a journey into your personal wisdom. If there were anything else you seek, I would encourage you to set these materials aside in favor of another path, or even no path at all.

Anyone on this path expresses with respect, appreciation, and understanding, or the knowledge gained and personal wisdom revealed will not be satisfying, nor will it endure. It is a critical element of our approach to the Grand Portal.

I mention this because in another world, a species approached the Grand Portal and its earth teachers lost sight of how expression and deep insight are necessarily connected, and though the discovery of the Grand Portal was at last achieved, it was not properly disseminated or applied in this world for several generations following the discovery.

The WingMakers' discussion forums exist to enable each of you to express your innermost thoughts and findings about the WingMakers' materials. It also enables you to practice and refine your ability to demonstrate respect, appreciation, and understanding. I encourage each of you to integrate these behaviors in your dialogue because they carry a kindling effect for the information contained within these materials - both for you and those who tread with you on this path.

One final comment. I am not able to respond to more questions for a period of about three months. If you have additional questions, you may forward them to Mark, but please understand that you will require patience for your answers - provided you seek them from me and require them in physical form.

You have my fondest regards.
From my world to yours,

