6th AND 7th SENSE

"The genetic composition of the human species was conceived to have 7 senses. You have, in recent times, begun to refer to the 6th sense or the sense of intuition. There is a 7th and most powerful sense, and it is the sense that is linked to time-travel, which is linked to space travel."

"However, before these two additional senses of the human instrument can be fully activated, there must be a global culture representing a unified and fully integrated earth. Our mission is to develop the specie’s genetic capabilities to include these two new senses while simultaneously ensuring that a global culture is developed that unifies the human species under one leadership, one culture, and one pre-eminent philosophy. 

"If this sounds like an improbable goal, we can assure you of its success because we live in the time when it is so. And if you need further proof of our mission, simply learn our language, and you will have your proofs"

Excerpt from the optical disc of the Ancient Arrow site.