
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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Note: The above introduction to the Lyricus materials was written by John Berges, editor of the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. II

As with most of the writings in this collection, Liminal Cosmogony rewards repeated reading with greater understanding. In this regard, the Lyricus FAQs “Relationship of Lyricus to the Human Species” and “Lyricus Teachers and Methodologies” go a long way toward providing readers with more details about the LTO and its relationship to humanity.

A curious feature of these FAQs is that the questions do not appear to have come from any specific individual(s). The information provided in these FAQs could have been easily transmitted through a straightforward article, but this format helps to present these new ideas in smaller packets. This does not mean that the questions are suspect, but more that they are a form of communication that gathers the concepts into “answers” or metaphorical “portions” of information that can be more easily digested and processed. Following are the nine questions contained in the “Relationship of Lyricus to the Human Species.”

• How does a new species—like the human species—get created? Or is the species groomed from an evolutionary context and simply emerges from an organic soup?
• What is the process that Lyricus goes through to help a species in its evolutionary progression?
• What exactly is a soul carrier and why is it seemingly so limited?
• What is the distinction between the soul carrier and the species at large?
• What is the definition of the soul?
• What is the Grand Portal?
• What is the science of multidimensional reality?
• What is the purpose of the human species as a whole?
• Can you explain the concept of evil? Is it real?

Here are the topics that these questions address:

• The creation and purpose of the (human) species
• The purpose of the species
• The Lyricus’ relation to the species
• The definition of the soul
• The definition of the soul carrier
• The relation of the soul carrier to the species
• The Grand Portal
• The science of multidimensional reality
• The definition of evil

Summarizing the above points, the human species, the soul, the soul carrier, and the Grand Portal are major factors for our consideration. Multidimensional reality and evil are sub-topics related to the Grand Portal discovery. The former is a by-product of the discovery and the latter represents those forces that resist the discovery.

We also see from the bullet points that this discovery involves defining and differentiating the soul from the soul carrier. As discussed earlier, this will involve scientific research in various fields. Maybe, the most difficult topic in the foregoing is that related to the species. The Lyricus view and definition of the human species is that of a collective life-form spanning a multidimensional reality.

This is certainly a groundbreaking idea in the sense of dimensions beyond the physical plane of reality because it implies that human consciousness extends beyond the physical plane. This notion alone holds implications related to the intriguing question of the survival of our individuality after the death of the physical body. Although environmental science and biology, in general, describe humanity in terms of a singular biological life-form, it is a much larger step to prove this on a larger cosmic scale—an extraterrestrial scale—and especially in terms of dimensions of reality existing beyond our space-time domain.

Following are the questions related to “Lyricus Teachers and Methodologies.

• At what point in time do teachers from Lyricus decide what information to share with a species?
• What happens if a species doesn’t discover the Grand Portal?
• Are the teachers of Lyricus known to humanity by any other name?
• What does Lyricus teach?
• How many members of Lyricus are currently in the flesh on earth?
• Why do Lyricus members incarnate as a member of the species instead of visiting the species in their native soul carriers?
• If Lyricus focuses on the species, and not the individual, what is it really teaching that is useful to the individual?
• Is there a specific philosophical system that underlies Lyricus’ teachings?
• How do the teachers of Lyricus who are incarnated among humanity operate?
• Is there a text or “Bible” of Lyricus, and if so, when would this be made available?
• Is there any value in the Lyricus works for those individuals who are not scientists or spiritual leaders, and are not living at the time when the Grand Portal is discovered?
• Why is the discovery of the Grand Portal being “telegraphed” through this website if there are forces who would try to prevent it?
• Why is it so important that humanity makes the discovery of the Grand Portal itself? Couldn’t Lyricus simply provide the discovery to humanity?
• It seems impossible that the ills of humanity will be solved by the mere scientific discovery of its soul. Even more questionable is whether most people would be interested. Why does Lyricus hold this discovery as being so critical?
• The concepts of morality seem to be sparingly used in the literature of Lyricus. Is science more important—in the teachings of Lyricus—than the behaviors of love, compassion, morality, and goodness?

Summarizing these questions we find that they generally fall into three categories:

1. Lyricus teachers
2. The LTO knowledge base
3. The Grand Portal

From these numbered items we learn more details concerning the Grand Portal. We also learn that Lyricus teachers incarnate within the species in order to initiate the guiding protocols for the Grand Portal discovery; that their activities are referenced in ancient texts; that they have been influential in more recent history, but without personal acknowledgment; that there are about a dozen members currently active and working with select individuals who are in positions of influence within scientific, cultural, governmental, and religious fields. These four areas are called the quarters of power.

The LTO knowledge base and systems are also addressed, and from the answers we learn that there is no Lyricus “bible” of teachings; that their knowledge base and system has formed into seven disciplines; that their philosophical system is an outgrowth of the science of multidimensional reality (which will be a byproduct of the Grand Portal discovery), and that their philosophy is more of a catalytic system for nudging those in the quarters of power toward an expanded view of reality and consciousness beyond the physical world. And finally, that this discovery, in turn and ironically, sheds the need for a philosophical system because:

In the knowledge of this reality, there is no need for a philosophical system or spiritual belief system or religious structure because the individual recognizes that they are complete unto themselves with respect to the vital knowledge. No laws or rules are required in this realization because the knowledge itself entrains the soul carrier to its holographic truth, which is based on the most profound levels of love and understanding. As this is the foundation of persistent reality, those who live in this frequency neither require nor seek a philosophical system.

As is probably obvious from the above description, the LTO knowledge base is not easy of comprehension because it is based on an expanded conscious awareness of multiple dimensions of reality, whereas earth humanity’s knowledge base is an outgrowth of our five-sensory view of the physical dimension. And although our great works of art, religious inspirations, and scientific discoveries have emerged from intuitional and feeling dimensions, the vast majority of humans have no objective knowledge of these less dense, higher frequency realms. In fact, our movement toward the Grand Portal is going to result in our scientific, objective acquisition of information related to these other realms, so that we move out of the often foggy, mystical (misty), and subjective interpretations—both beautiful and morbid—and into an era of real knowledge.

Having said all this, it is time for you to settle into these three fascinating pieces and garner your own understanding and insights, for everyone’s interaction with this material is a contribution to the gathering momentum of the collective human consciousness that is destined to intersect with the Grand Portal later in this century.

Taken of the site of WingMakers 

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1