SECTION TWO: The When-Which-How Practice


This attendant belief often takes a while to accrue its power. It is not something you can manufacture artificially. In a sense, it is part of the learning curve and grows over time as you become more comfortable with the practice or technique.
SECTION FOUR: Our Interconnection
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
—Albert Einstein

The habit of looking outward through the eyes of separation is changed through the application of the when-which-how practice because its signature strength is aligning the individual with a sense of service to humanity—not because humanity is broken or suffering in misery—but because it kindles the natural perception we have of our intrinsic interconnection with one another that we feel within our hearts.
One of the perennial truths that psychologists have uncovered is that the best determiner of happiness is the degree to which a person has meaningful relationships. Relationships that are truly meaningful have a foundation of emotional maturity that imbues genuineness to the relationship, by means of assisting others to flow through the density of everyday encounters with greater ease and understanding. This goes beyond trust. You can trust someone who is honest, but it doesn’t necessarily signify that the relationship is meaningful and authentic in service to a greater good.
There is a story in chaos theory that infinitesimally small actions can eventually cause major changes (i.e., the flutter of butterfly wings ultimately causing hurricanes on the other side of the globe). This story is a good metaphor for the intelligent communication that occurs from the smallest particles of existence spanning out to galactic scales. There is a vast interconnection, not only between humans, but between all particles of existence. And this interconnection is intelligent, communicative, and part of a Designing Force that we all exist within.
Emotional Coherence
Music is coherent sound, where rhythm, melody, tempo, and harmony unite to produce its coherence; without these imposing forces, we live in a random sound field of noises. Similarly, the six heart virtues take the emotional energy we are all imbued with and impose coherence, and in this coherence our emotional energy is transformed from a “noisy radiation” into a healing, directed and transformative force.
Imagine you are at the ocean and you’re watching a beautiful sunset. The light radiates in striking colors of pink, orange and red, glistening off of the turquoise water. The air itself seems to hold this radiating color field in some suspended, slow-motion dance. Now, from a scientific perspective, the light is incoherent. Despite its spectacular colors, the light photons are unaligned, fanning out in every imaginable direction.
For the sake of contrast, let’s imagine this same light were somehow made coherent like a laser beam of light, so that all of the light particles or photons were traveling in the same direction on the identical wavelength. The light is now transformed into a new functionality, one that can now be used for surgical applications or measuring the distance between the earth and moon with never-before-imagined accuracy—to name just two examples.
These different aspects of light are good metaphors to understand as they apply to emotions. Emotions, when incoherent, radiate in all directions as energy, creating an impression within the space or field of our senses. Sometimes this impression is beautiful like a shimmering sunset when the emotions are soft and light, and sometimes it is more akin to a furious storm when there is anger or depression. If our emotional energy can be aligned in coherence it can be transformed to a higher functionality like the laser, and its range goes well beyond the range of our senses, it can truly touch the outer edges of our world or delve deeply into the inner realms of soul.
The keystone of the when-which-how practice is coherence, the reason being that the expression of the six heart virtues builds coherence and the attendant ability to radiate your emotional energy to selected targets anywhere, and to any time. This is the outreach of soul—to heart to mind to heart to outflow—and in this cycle, the emotional energy becomes the connective ingredient that integrates the individual with the community of humankind, and even more generally, to all life forms.
There is growing awareness that humans are part of a vast ecology of energy that includes the sun and planets within our solar system, and perhaps even beyond. Our sun generates space weather that interacts with earth’s geomagnetic field and creates profound influences to our weather, mood, chemical balance, and even the fine-tuned senses of our intuition and psychic abilities. It is not a leap to say that the sun—ninety-three million miles away—influences our primary centers of the heart and brain in surprisingly vibrant ways.
Collective Human Energetic Field
The research of Halberg, Persinger, Braud, and dozens of others have shown that the sun’s geomagnetic field affects earth’s geomagnetic field which affects our personal electromagnetic field, including our critical heart and brain rhythms. In the near future, this will be shown to be a two-way street. That is to say, humans, on a collective level—energetically through their emotional radiation—can influence Earth and our broader solar system.
I will cite one example as evidence of this interaction. NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), in order to study and prepare for major weather anomalies like hurricanes, has several geosynchronous satellites that monitor a variety of weather influences, including geomagnetic fluctuations of the earth. Two of their Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES 8 and 10), orbiting geosynchronously, produced in 2001 a provocative view into how collective human energetics can influence the earth’s geomagnetic field.
As the graph below shows, these two satellites, orbiting 60 degrees apart (Long. W75 and Long. W135) over the equator at an altitude of 22,300 miles, detected a significant spike in earth’s geomagnetic flux as the event of September 11, 2001 started and an increasing level of incoherence or flux continued to unfold five days after the event.
I am not trying to posit a scientific theory, but follow this logical progression if you will. Humans emanate an electromagnetic field—the heart being its most powerful source, radiating out in a toroidal, constantly fluxing pattern eight to fifteen feet from the body. This energetic pattern changes form constantly as we think different thoughts and feel different feelings. The feelings of our heart have the greatest effect on the signature pattern of our electromagnetic field.
When an event occurs as dramatic as the September 11, 2001 incident, the collective human electromagnetic field is affected more deeply than usual because it impacts on a much larger percentage of the overall population at an emotional level. To help you visualize this, imagine a fog of light that encircles the whole planet, representing the Collective Human Energetic Field (CHEF). It’s a matter of ratios, the more we as individuals add ingredients of stress, fear and uncertainty, the more the CHEF becomes incoherent and unstable, which in turn is instantly detected by earth and processed into its own geomagnetic field.

In other words, planets and stars affect us, and, we in turn, affect them. This is the interconnection of consciousness at the level of energy, or interwoven fields of energy that resonate, entangle and inform. It is like a symphony of sound and light waves that emanate from the CHEF, interacting with the symphony of sound and light waves emanating from earth’s Geomagnetic Field (EGF). The two—CHEF and EGF—dance together in a reciprocal energetic exchange and it is for this reason that what happens with CHEF can either facilitate or hinder the earth’s ability to shift and evolve gracefully.
Let me make this point more practical. We have seen the idea virus of global warming spread across the news media and enter our schools, governments, businesses, and even religious quarters. The world seems poised to make shifts that are in the best interest of our planet, symbolic of humanity’s role as stewards of earth. Humanity has become aware of how its ecological insensitivity has created dire conditions on the planet; conditions, that left unchecked, could create enormous catastrophes in weather, geology and social changes. So, we have the motivation and knowledge, but do we have agreement on the action plans and the inner commitment to implement them?
What will facilitate the transformation of this knowledge and facts to an agreed upon action plan and commitment to implementation? If we can become increasingly aware that humanity and earth dance together in the clear-headed realms of evolutionary expansion; that there is an interconnection and that this interconnection is mutually responsive and reinforcing; perhaps then we will turn the key. When we look upon the CHEF as vital to our well-being and the clarity of our connection to earth, we will not only turn the key, we will open the door and walk through to the next dimension… together.
Informing the CHEF
I realize that these concepts are very wide and deep, almost so much so that they seem unrelated to our personal lives, but if you examine them carefully, you will see how they bring a new meaning to your life. If you consider that you are emitting an energy field throughout your existence, regardless of what you believe your existence consists of in terms of space-time, the one thing you can be fully responsible for is the signature field that you radiate into the CHEF. Every human, every life form actually, contributes to the whole in this way, though with different intensities and effects.
This is why it is so important to understand the deeper perceptions of interconnection and raise your awareness of how you personally interconnect with the whole of life. It is a matter of taking responsibility for the emotional and mental energies that intertwine within your electromagnetic (energetic) field and contribute a living presence to the CHEF, and by association, to earth itself.
We each have a dynamic, ever-changing emotional fingerprint that we leave on the CHEF, and its effects can endure through time and space. In order to keep a complex subject relatively simple and straightforward, I will paint the differences with only a few colors, but bear in mind that the range is near endless in variation.
As depicted in the diagram on the next page, figure A shows that the Individual Human Energetic Field (IHEF) informs and contributes to the CHEF, and that the CHEF is comprised of thousands of facets (colors) each reflecting a point on the diamond-shaped object depicted in figure B. I am using the term viral in two distinct ways: On the left side of the diamond, on its horizontal (stable) axis, there is a negative viral effect; on the right side it is positive. The terms negative and positive refer to the IHEF and the qualitative nature of its contribution to the CHEF. The term viral indicates the degree to which an IHEF has the ability to influence other IHEF contributions to become more like itself simply through exposure to the viral IHEF.
For example, a single Viral Positive IHEF will be more potent than one thousand benign IHEFs. Thus, those individuals who operate in a stable positive or negative viral state have a significant and disproportional influence on the CHEF. Most people operate on or near the vertical axis (dynamic) where they fluctuate between the poles of the negative and positive IHEF, winding their way in a snake-like pattern between the positive and negative. In doing so, their IHEF contribution tends to lack potency, though because of the sheer numbers in this rank, they collectively set the normative values.
Detecting the CHEF
The key lesson in this is to realize that just as earth’s geomagnetic field detects the CHEF, so do we as individuals, even though we may not be conscious or understand how it is possible. There is also a magnetic attraction that plays an influential role here. When our IHEF evolves to a more stable, viral positive state, we detect the viral influences of those IHEF contributions from the most potent viral positive sources, and we are influenced in our behaviors and attitudes accordingly.
For most of us, this happens beneath our conscious “radar.” If you examine the Figure B diagram and assess where you believe your IHEF is positioned on any given day, consider how you can evolve it to the Most Desired State (small green triangle). The when-which-how practice is an accelerator that will move you in this direction or help you remain there.
I know this subject is complicated, and from my perspective, it is not easy to explain with words or static, two-dimensional diagrams. I would ask you to be patient and persevere in your understanding if you feel uncertain of the deeper meanings in this section related to Interconnection. These are important elements in your motivation and intent relative to the unfolding of your purpose and ability to practice the six heart virtues.
Remember that interconnection is attended with interaction and emotional resonance. While there are some who would downplay the significance of whether that interaction and resonance is anchored in positive or negative virtues, there is a difference of enormous consequence between the two poles—to you as an individual, to the collective of humanity and to the earth itself. At one level, there is no positive or negative in the sense of good and evil, but in the dimensions of time-space and the prevailing construct of evolution and ascension of consciousness, it matters a great deal.
The when-which-how practice is like a homing device that helps you navigate to the stable, viral positive place that enables your purpose to truly radiate and have impact within this world at this time. There is very little glamour associated with this practice as it leaves no historical footprint in the context of a material legacy. In the case of the when-which-how practice and the viral positive position, these are largely invisible as they are not made up of material things, but instead are an energetic transmission. Their potency is emotional energy aligned to specific behaviors which express themselves in our words and actions. You cannot bottle these up in material things, unless, purely for artistic purposes you want to convey their shadowy essence for others to acknowledge.
If you desire to achieve emotional self-mastery and contribute to the CHEF in a way that accelerates its evolution gracefully and naturally, then living from the heart is an excellent path to walk. I have suggested many times that patience plays a role because the path is not easy and has many, many layers of nuance and subtlety, but if your purpose has eluded you or you fear its tardiness is unending, this path and the practices described herein will guide you to reclaim your purpose and to live a meaningful life.
SECTION FIVE: Event Temples & Their Purpose
The when-which-how practice is a core practice, faith agnostic, and grounded in the perennial wisdom of sages and the interior voices of spiritual guides throughout time. It is the central, activating principle upon which the Event Temples are designed. Event Temples are the coalescing force for the community of when-which-how practitioners to collectively send their energetic voices to the needful ears of those enmeshed in the densities of a world awash in change, disenfranchisement, separation, greed, and profound, but fearful changes of a new reality.

When we contribute our individual energetic field (IHEF) to a selected target as defined in a specific Event Temple, we are performing six important functions:
1. We are practicing the six heart virtues in a communal way and learning how we can synchronize our heart’s capacity to send its energetic qualities with others and create a resonant, supportive field that assists others.
2. There is the collective and individual contribution to the CHEF and helping to increase the vibrancy of the viral positive therein.
3. Every time you participate in an Event Temple, you are crystallizing your purpose as an energetic being in the worlds of time-space. You are kindling a key objective for which you embodied in a human instrument and are awakening the energetic reach of your consciousness, empowering your sense of connection to all life.
4. Just as the CHEF exists for humanity, there also exists group CHEFs that can evolve at a much faster tempo than the overall species. The participants of the Event Temples will create their own CHEF and this CHEF will evolve very rapidly to act as a facilitator of the viral positive energetics.
5. Each participant of the Event Temples will be provided an online tracking system free of charge that will enable them to evaluate their progress over time on the when-which-how practice and each of the six heart virtues. This will enable an accelerated trajectory of learning for each individual, and a supportive system to persist upon the path.
6. The Event Temples will be a practice area for energetic transmissions of an individual and collective kind. In this practice you will feel the support of a conscious community and refine your artistry of expression of the six heart virtues. The Event Temples website will be a place where people can share their ideas and technique-enhancements with people of similar interest.
The Event Temples website is a dynamic, online analogue of living from the heart, and this e-paper is the foundation stone of the Event Temples.
SECTION SIX: Practice over Experience
Just as we cannot talk of visual beauty if we are blind, so we cannot discuss inner spiritual beauty if we have never perceived it.

There have been thousands of people who have had profound experiences through deep meditative states, or prayer, or hallucinogens, or lucid dreams. And sometimes, out of the blue, the universe will reveal an aspect of its supernal beauty quite independent of our own efforts. When the experience has faded into memory, it is sought again, again, and again. The experience of the inner worlds, the spiritual fountainhead from which all life appears and into which it disappears, is often sought before, or instead of, the expression of our soul through the virtues of the heart.
The reason is quite simple: we desire to claim spiritual experience as our natural birthright on one level, and on a more human level, we want undeniable proof that what we are invested in as a belief system is indeed authentic. To be sure, it is our natural birthright to live in the enlightened states of interconnection with the reality matrix of the Designing Force, but to do so requires a balance between what we express and what we experience. The when-which-how practice creates the opportunity to experience the spiritual beauty and appreciate its deeper meanings because what we express magnetically attracts the experience that is aligned to our expression.
There are roadmaps to the structure of the universe, and these can be attention-grabbing to learn, though they seldom conform to a single perspective. You can study hundreds if not thousands of books that depict the soul, the spiritual worlds, the higher wisdom, and you will certainly learn from these endeavors, as they can be part of the path of enlightenment. I would caution, however, that you read not more than you practice the six heart virtues. The encyclopedic mind is far less magnetic to the spiritual terrain than the expressive and expansive heart.
One of the key words in Plotinus’ quote is “discuss,” but there is little or no purpose in discussing inner spiritual beauty unless it is expressed in your behaviors first and then attracted into your sphere of experience as a result. Only in rare and most often inexplicable cases, does it work in reverse. By talking about the inner spiritual realms you might activate an interest in the experiential side of the equation, and this is good, but if the interest is already there and you desire only to talk or discuss, you will seldom attract the experience you seek, and almost never the meaning.
In the Lyricus teachings, there is a construct that if the aspirant desires to speak of divine experiences then they are unaware of their meaning. It is like a friend who describes a dream they had, and you can see so clearly what the dream means, but your friend who experienced it firsthand is oblivious to the dream’s deeper messages. The meaning is absent because the dream is too abstract to them. This is similar to how the aspirant is with the spiritual wisdom, seeking the experience of spiritual worlds before the practice has enlivened their understanding of the meaning.
And so we are back to the concept of living from the heart because here there is room to grow your own knowledge, to find your own sense of artistry in the wielding of the six heart virtues. Here you can define the magnetics of your IHEF. It only requires you to redirect your attention from the discussion of the inner spiritual worlds to the when-which-how practice, knowing that if this is accomplished the experiences will find their way to you. More importantly, when they do, their deeper significance will be known without interpretation or comparison.

I appreciate that some of you would prefer that I detail the when-which-how practice and provide all of the sixty-three combinations and which ones are appropriate for each situation. But the practice requires that every individual make these assessments in their self-luminous journey. Thus, the path is, by its nature of appreciating your individuality, not formulaic.
Regardless of who you are, were or want to be, you are first and foremost a spiritual being composed of an energetic field that expresses the degree of your emotional mastery or lack thereof. Beneath this energetic field may await talents of healing, telepathy, potent intuitive insight, artistic genius, or influential teachings, but what I’m suggesting is that these talents are secondary abilities to the primary gifts of expression from your inmost spiritual selfhood. These are precisely what the six heart virtues and living from the heart unlock and release, not only into your IHEF, but also into the CHEF, and this constitutes your highest purpose within the worlds of time-space.
You can choose to undertake this path as an agnostic, Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other religious affiliation. It does not matter to whom or whether you give your faith and loyalty. The important thing is that you understand your purpose as a spiritual being and never lose sight of this purpose even in the midst of turmoil and the certainty of life’s challenges.
We read and hear a lot about sustainability in the context of ecology; even some businesses have adopted the term to imply that their strategies are “green.” People are increasingly sensitive to the impact their carbon footprint has on the environment, and the notion of treading softly on the ecosystem is gaining ground with the general populations of earth.
As this paper suggests, we also have an emotional or energetic “footprint” that we leave upon the ecology of the human spirit and the planet at large. So much has been written in various religious and New Age texts that the earth will undergo cataclysmic changes or perhaps even an apocalypse, after which, we will enjoy the return of the Christ Consciousness, the Golden Age of humanity will reign, and the righteous will be caught up into the heavens.
While there may be some degree of truth in these visions, I’m proposing that the “avalanche is about to roll” outlook only evokes interest—sometimes obsession—and mostly it is fear-based. We need to activate our emotional self-mastery so we become self-luminous beings within the time-space dimensions. It is not fulfilling to have an interest in the avalanche or the impending shift of humanity; our fulfillment and meaning comes from our practice of the six heart virtues.
As historian Will Durant observed, in the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war. If humanity is to add to the “no war” column, it will require a new belief system that is energetically supported by the six heart virtues. It will require individuals like you to develop emotional self-mastery as the priority self-improvement goal. Just as like attracts like, like informs like, and like transforms like. Thus, the transmission of our IHEF informs others who are similar to us, and as our numbers grow, the long-heralded shift will be the result.
Humanity moves increasingly towards the irrefutable, scientific discovery of the human soul and the lattice grid of energetic interconnection upon which it moves and has its being. It does this not because of the hand of God or some Designing Force that corrals the human species into the higher dimensions, but rather through the human spirit expressing itself within the human realm of time-space. In other words, it’s an inside job—one human at a time.
It is not an infrequent position on the part of those who prefer the path of surrender to ask: “Why swim upstream? God will show the way and provide the path. Everything is taken care of, why struggle to gain mastery over your emotions? In the end, we will be redeemed.” This is a deep-seated and prevailing construct of humanity that higher forces ultimately configured the universe and still control its functioning and outputs, that creation is tethered to the One that is All, and regardless of your name for this Higher Force, it ultimately offers up a Savior for humanity—whether that savior is terrestrial, heaven-sent or extraterrestrial.
The evidence of human evolution shows that saviors come and go amid the primal actions of humankind that function in indifference to their message. We are all connected, yet we war. We are all connected, yet we steal. We are all connected, yet we hoard and over-consume. We are all connected, yet we turn away from the suffering of others. The insensitivity to our connection is a veil that is steadily becoming more transparent, and this is the vital agent of change, but it will not occur in a blinding flash of time or an instant of recognition. Rather, it is the result of a deliberate and persistent practice of the six heart virtues from an ever-widening base of humanity.
We are collectively engineering this, some more consciously than others, which is the only notable distinction between us. The “temple” is being built in which all of humanity can enter and see one another as they truly are. This temple is neither of earth nor the heavens. It is not owned by anyone nor is anyone excluded. Within this temple we are not emotionless beings, quite the contrary, we are energetically potent with vibrant emotions and they are expressed with care and they are rooted in the virtues of the heart. This is the temple we are here to build. Be patient, for it is an endeavor long in the making. Yet it is certain to occur, not because we will be “saved,” but because enough humans chose to live from their hearts, to practice the six heart virtues and become conscious of their energetic contributions (IHEF) to the whole of life.
One final comment, the journey is rewarding, but also difficult as you will be challenged to shift quickly, adjust your attitudes, refresh your perspective, and own your mistakes and vulnerabilities. The six heart virtues are meant to be expressed not only to others but also your human self. Bear this in mind as you progress. All the heart virtues apply equally to others and yourself. You can appreciate a stranger’s kindness and in the next instant forgive your judgment of them. It is precisely because of our imperfections, that the six heart virtues have their meaning.
From my world to yours,
Definitions of the Six Heart Virtues
I have resisted the temptation to define the six heart virtues in detail, but I will provide a starting point for their definition so you can embroider them according to your own experience and insight.

At the subtle levels, this virtue is focused on a specific awareness that First Source (Higher Intelligence) surrounds our fellow beings as a field of consciousness and that this consciousness unifies us. If we are unified, it follows that we operate as a collective consciousness at some deeper level, and in this place, we share a common purpose that is richly textured, supremely vital, and yet mysterious, dynamic and uncertain. This awareness, or even belief, shifts our focus from the small details of our personal life to the vision of our purpose as a species.
At a more practical level, appreciation expresses itself in the small gestures of gratitude that support relationship loyalty and bonding. The deeper levels of appreciation make the relatively surface level expressions genuine because they stem from the frequencies of soul instead of the motives of the ego or mind.
Many teachers have spoken eloquently about compassion as the deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled to the desire to relieve that suffering. In the context of the new intelligence that is seating itself on our planet, compassion is an active desire to assist others to align with the new fields of intelligence that are manifesting in the three dimensional world, aware that their desire and ability to align is distorted by their social enculturation; it does not accurately reflect their intelligence, spiritual inclinations, or purpose.
Compassion therefore is extended to both our fellow beings and the planet itself with the realization that we are part of one another’s destiny if only for a single lifetime. Planet and person dance in the ascending currents of First Source in a collaborative process of regeneration and renewal. We are all part of the mysterious overtures and energetic transcendence that is occurring between Earth and the universe, and as earth transforms its accumulated densities each of us will be challenged to transform our own, or become further embedded in our fears and emotional turmoil.
Forgiveness operates out of the construct that each of us is doing the best we can under the circumstance of our life experience and the degree that our love frequency saturates our human instrument. When a person operates from the heart virtues and the rich textures of its authentic frequencies, forgiveness is a natural state of acceptance.
When a perceived injustice enters our experience—no matter how significant or whether we perceive ourselves to be the cause or the effect—we may initially react with the sharp emotions of victimhood or annoyance, but this emotional clutter can be quickly cleared by replacing your sense of victimhood or annoyance with understanding and compassion.
Forgiveness is really the outward expression of understanding and compassion without the heavy sentiments of duality (i.e., good and bad) that typically introduce the presence of judgment. It is a neutral expression without design or purpose other than to release yourself from the clutches of time, which is similar to energetic quicksand, entangling you energetically to a time-based emotional state.
The soul’s expression of love is its most important purpose while embodied within the worlds of time-space. It circulates this delicate, sublime frequency of love to the human body and mind without condition or motive. It will come as no surprise that it finds the heart a more willing collaborator than the mind. Humility is the realization that the heart, mind and soul co-mingle in the grace of a Higher Intelligence or Designing Force, and that their very existence is upheld through this connection of unconditional love.
In the religious, psychological, and philosophical materials of our planet there is great consideration given to the mind. As a man thinketh so is he. At a more granular level, many people believe that what they think causes their feelings, which in turn creates their vibratory rate and this vibratory rate attracts their life experience. So, applying this logic, the way to attract good things into our life is to think rightly, lest we attract evil or hardship.
Humility understands that the being that represents you—your fullest identity—is not constituted as a chain reaction of the mind. Rather, it is the presence of love embodied in human form, and this love expresses itself in the virtues of the heart, the pure intellect of the contemplative mind, and the co-creative pursuits of the heart, mind, and soul. Humility is the expression of this love frequency knowing it derives from what already exists in a higher dimension, and in this dimension, love is not a thing of sentiment and emotional heaviness. It is a liberating force where all are one, all are equal, all are divine, and all are immortal.
The world of form, just as the formless worlds, is composed of energetic structures beneath its denser expression. In a real sense, everything in the multiverse is energy with incalculably long, energy-based lifespans. Energy is transformational; that is, it can alter or shift into other states of being or, in the case of humans, consciousness. The human energetic structure is often described as the chakra system or electromagnetic body, but it is more than these components. The energetic structure is a form of light, which in turn is a texture of divine love.
Energetically, our “skeleton” is composed of love at our core structure, and it is this love frequency that is the basis of our immortal consciousness, or soul. All of the lower densities are shadows of this light and operate in time-space, which provide a sheath of density and separation from this core love frequency. The worlds of time-space alter or dilute this connection we feel to the core energetic structure of which we are all composed, and this diminishes our sense of connection not only to our divinity, but to God and all life.
Herein is the paradox of being human: our innermost structure is divine love and our outermost structure is a means of experience for the innermost structure, but we have become entrained by the outer vehicle to the degree where we identify with it more than the occupant—our true self—inside.
All of us feel this dissociation with our true self and over-identification with our physical body and mind (human instrument); perhaps only in degree is there any difference among us. Understanding is the aspect of heart intelligence that recognizes this dissociation from love is a necessary design component of the larger blueprint that is occurring on the planet. In other words, it is not that humanity has fallen from grace or is tilted irrevocably toward sin. Rather, we have simply accepted the picture of reality that is dominant, and its dominance is not by accident but part of a larger design.
There is a well-known phrase within Lyricus that roughly translated says:
“The elegance of time is that it unravels the structures of space that have sealed love from itself.”
The structures of space, in this case, refer to the human instrument. Only time can break down the rigid barriers, or subtle membranes that prevent or diminish the love frequency from exerting its wisdom in the behaviors of the individual.
If time is the variable of importance, it stands to reason that everyone is on his or her way to this realization; it is simply a matter of time before they achieve it. Thus, time is the differential that separates us. In a sense, we are all time shifted from one another. No one operates in exactly the same time relative to unsealing his or her love frequency from the world of form.
While valor is generally used in the context of war or the battlefield, it is, as an element of love, linked with the act of speaking truth to power, especially when an injustice is committed. It is common in today’s social order to pretend ignorance of the injustices of our world. Self-absorption in one’s own world is one key threat that undermines the expression of valor, and fear of consequence is the other.
Valor is the aspect of your love that defends its presence in the face of injustice as measured in the social order. If you don’t defend your virtues—or those too weak to defend their own—you have separated from them and have lost an opportunity to be a co-creative force in the world of form.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must become an activist or advocate for a list of social causes. It simply requires that you defend yourself from injustice. Children in particular require this protection. When I was only about seven years old I vividly remember going to a store with my father and while we were walking in from the parking lot we noticed a mother quite literally beating her child in the backseat of her car. It was a busy Saturday and there were many people in the parking lot, but it was my father who approached the woman and asked her to stop. His voice was firm from his conviction and the woman immediately stopped.
This was an act of valor because there was no real judgment associated with it; it was simply an injustice that required intervention in the moment. Compassion for both the child and the mother were present in my father, and I believe the mother knew this. This is an example of how the virtues of the heart seldom appear in isolation, but rather as an ensemble that braid themselves for strength and potency for a given situation.

Further Definitions of Figure B (energetic quadrant)
Figure B is a complex diagram that requires a detailed description, which is offered in this section. Think of this diagram as an energetic quadrant divided by two axes. The vertical (y) axis is the axis of dynamic emotions, whereas the horizontal (x) axis is the axis of stable emotions. If you have, for example, frequent mood swings, shifting from anger to love or sadness to joy, you are riding the “serpent” of the vertical axis.
The serpent axis is aptly named since those who shift back and forth between the poles of Viral Negative and Viral Positive spring from side-to-side, seldom enjoying peace or contentment. It is much easier to shift between the quadrants one and two, or even quadrants three and four, than it is to shift between one and three, or four and two. The hardest is the shift between quadrants four and one because they are so incompatible as to make the shifts physically painful.
The movement we each take across this energetic quadrant can be random-reactive, or purposeful-empowered. For example, let’s say you are waiting in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you begins arguing with the clerk about the costs of several items, and you can’t help noticing that the line of customers behind you is growing. You have the option of riding the serpent and flashing angry glances at the customer ahead of you, while posturing with your body language in disapproval. Or, you can take a deep breath, inflow the light of your heart’s virtues, select the one you intuitively feel is most relevant to the situation at hand (perhaps understanding > forgiveness), and then release it to the event without condition or judgment.
Riding the serpent you will tend to operate in the random-reactive mode. When you operate in the more stable fields of Viral Negative or Viral Positive, you tend to express a more purposeful-empowered perspective in your life moment-to-moment. Unfortunately, in the case of the Viral Negative person, the outcome is repressive to the human family, which leads me to an important point: unlike most psychology which defines the negative behaviors with words like lust, anger, or obsession; the Viral Negative state is simply defined as repressive to the human spirit.
The majority of people ride the serpent unaware that there are people who purposely conspire to repress the human spirit, trying to keep us separated from one another, and to live unfulfilled lives relative to our spiritual purpose. These are the ones who live in the Least Desired State, operating with a purposeful-empowered mindset, at least partly focused on the repression of the human spirit. Of course, the irony is that the vast majority of those operating in the Least Desired State would identify their mission as one of saving humanity or protecting it from itself. This is all part of the conundrum of definitions.
The Viral Positive person, living in the Most Desired State, is one who is purposeful-empowered in the context that they exude a liberating field or persona that empowers others to activate and express their spiritual purpose. There is no sense of repression or random reaction; it is a clear and coherent focus on helping others to live from their hearts and express the virtues therein.
This energetic quadrant is a way of looking at the emotional terrain in which we express our energetic self. It is through this portal that our energetic output of the Individual Human Energetic Field (IHEF) is received into the Collective Human Energetic Field (CHEF), and our energetic fingerprint is fused to the human collective of energy.
If we look at the energetic quadrant as our portal into the CHEF, then it becomes more obvious that we have a responsibility to establish our prevailing position in quadrant 1. Notice that I said prevailing position, not absolute. Everyone will cross lines from one quadrant to another. It is our natural and desirable state to cross boundaries and experience different points of the quadrant. However, we can choose which points become our prevailing or stable positions, from which we derive our identities and our perceptions of the external world.
Reviewing the energetic quadrant, you have probably attempted to place yourself within it, and in doing so, you have found a point that is temporal—assignable today, but not necessarily tomorrow or next week. Further, you may have allotted some degree of judgment as to your “place” on the quadrant, as if it is your home or where you belong. Many of us have had past experiences that appear to lock us into a particular energetic expression that can feel like it is frozen in time. But that is untrue.
You can pick any point on the quadrant and say, “This is where I am today.” And you can pick another and say, “This is where I choose to be tomorrow.” The distance between the two points can be measured in millimeters, but may seem like light years away from each other to your mind. The energetic signature we emit to the universe is composed of an energy so refined as to be undetectable to our senses, but it is the transformative rocket fuel that feeds our progression into the Most Desired State. This it can do independent of the dimension of time, past traumatic experiences, miserable upbringing, or any other rationale your mind can conjure.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “But wait, don’t the emotions define my energetic field?” The emotions influence your energetic field, but its definition is one of intention and will. You choose the energetic equivalent of yourself, and keep choosing it every moment of your life on earth. You choose the energetic field that you emit to the universe. This is the seed of energy that you established or “planted” within the human “soil.” Like anything that evolves and transforms, this seed requires nurturing and cultivation. To the extent you express your heart’s virtues—practicing them in everyday situations—you will see your emotional state shaping your energetic field in such a way that you will awaken one day and the universe will become the mirror of your energetic body, and you will finally meet the inward self that embraces all.
You can look at the quadrant as a stage with three different roles. The Viral Negative does not mean you are Satan incarnate or a miserable convict rotting away in prison. Most of the members of the human family who live in this state are seemingly responsible, polite, and attentive citizens of their respective countries; except for the fact they repress the human spirit and separate the human family into sexes, religions, races, preferences, colors, and segments of disintegration. They could be doctors, Sunday school teachers, librarians, policemen, mothers or business executives. There is no job or social standing that excludes them. What distinguishes them is that they are purposeful in their repression and separation, there is a cause behind their actions and this cause anchors them in the Viral Negative State (VNS). For purposes of this paper I will refer to these people as VNS People.
In the middle section are those who are riding the serpent of the emotional swings tethered to the social undulations as meted out by the dominant cultures, religions, political, and educational systems. Since I am focused on the energetic field of a category of individuals within the human family, I’ll refer to these as Riding the Serpent (RTS) People. RTS People are the base of humanity, speaking energetically; they set the general pattern of how emotions and energetic frequencies of human interaction become the norm. They are mostly concerned with family, work, and entertainment, but they also dabble in the spiritual and are in different states of awakening relative to their energetic field. RTS People are in search mode, forever seeking whatever is felt to be missing in their life. They are disillusioned by the seeming indifference of their God, and this condition keeps them uncertain, which in turn makes them more reactive to life.
If you are always reacting to the external environment and the uncertain impulses of your internal world dimly felt, you will tend to be dramatic in your swings of emotions and your IHEF will reflect this. RTS People have a prevailing feeling that there is more to life, that a higher purpose awaits their discovery if only they could find it. This adds to their sense of uncertainty and frustration, which only fuels their reactionary impulses when coupled to the rising stress of modern-day living.
On the Viral Positive side of the energetic quadrant, people in this category, as they approach the Most Desired State, become increasingly aware of their energetic field in a similar way to how an infant becomes progressively more aware of its physical body. The Viral Positive State (VPS) People are not necessarily “spiritual” people in the sense that they are teachers within a religion, nor are they necessarily the scientists in search of the energetic realms. Unless a person, regardless of their stature in life, is also actively expressing their heart’s virtues and empowering others to do the same, they will never enter the Most Desired State, unless it is for a radiant moment as a means of activation—a calling to their soul from the Designing Force.
Just as the VNS People are anchored in their energy field by the cause of repression and separation, the VPS People are anchored in their commitment to the human family by transcending the myopia of small picture dramas. Those within the Most Desired State have an unwavering commitment to the cause of human transformation from material-mindedness to energetic-heart-awareness. This is the cause that anchors them.
A key to understanding the energetic quadrant is to see the VNS, RTS, and VPS People as members of the human family who are informing the collective energy, or CHEF. From a perspective of wholeness, there is no wrong or right, good or evil. All of us have a role to play in this vast collection of energy. However, the choice is still ours as to how we desire to work with the greater incoming energies impacting on our planet. This is an important distinction between the three primary groups of people because only the VPS People are able to transmit the incoming energies like a clear prism can transmit white light into seven rays.
As it has been said, a prism in the dark is just a hunk of glass. So, too, is the human energetic field—in the dark it is just a receiver. If it is in the VNS or RTS state, then it is in a darkened state and the incoming energies from the universe at large (Designing Force) cannot transmit the energetic frequencies that empower and fuel the human family to transformation. Now, to be clear, I am painting with black and white for effect. Admittedly, there are many shades of gray, but the point is that in order to both receive and transmit the higher energetics of the universe—to have a positive effect on the human transformation objective—you must choose the path to become and remain a VPS Person.
The when-which-how practice is a choice that immediately begins to shift our IHEF and align its trajectory to the Viral Positive state. The Most Desired State (green triangle in quadrant one) is the gravitational core of quadrants one and two, and it is the most potent position within the energetic quadrant as it pertains to influencing the CHEF. In other words, if you are able, as a result of your conscientious and deliberate application of the when-which-how practice, to operate within the Most Desired State, you are contributing a virally active energetic signature that can influence thousands of others who are also seeking a way to become Viral Positive, even though they may not consciously intend it.
Another way to look at the quadrant is to imagine points of humanity on it (see below).

Imagine that each large dot represents ten thousand IHEFs and each small dot represents one thousand. This view would represent the distribution of IHEFs into the CHEF. Let’s say this view was a snapshot of the CHEF, and that we could take pictures at different times and review how humanity is progressing relative to its CHEF. These snapshots would signify how humanity is evolving emotionally and energetically.
In the example above, notice that the distribution of IHEFs is denser along the serpent’s axis. This would indicate that humanity, as a whole, is fluctuating between quadrants and operating in a more reactive behavior to life’s events. You can also notice that there is more distribution of IHEFs in quadrants 3 and 4, indicating that the Viral Negative—particularly in the Least Desired State—is generating a more effective influence.

There is much written and discussed about the impending dimensional shift. While it has many facets, the real shift occurs energetically across the human family. It could look like the view below, if enough people learn how to express the six heart virtues with a degree of consistency. As a result, the “dots” within the Most Desired State will increase and a shift of balance, energetically, can occur within the broader human family.
From the time you make the decision to practice the six heart virtues—to live from your heart—you are re-gridding your energetic signature in resonance with quadrant one and the Most Desired State. You are part of the shift of consciousness upon earth, and as you move closer to the Most Desired State, you are not only part of the shift, you are an activating force of the shift.
It all starts energetically. The shift is a co-creation between the Designing Force and the human family. It is both elements operating in a dance of resonance. The shift is not a thing that happens to humanity; it is a thing that is co-created by humanity and the Designing Force.
As the diagram above shows, our personal path can be organized into four orientations that overlay the energetic quadrant, and be used as a practical guide. These four orientations consist of the three tendencies of the mind: Ego Vices, You Complex, and Me Complex (definitions to follow), and the one affinity of the heart: Heart Virtues. While very general, these orientations superimpose another dimension of structure to the energetic quadrant.

Normally, as we develop in one lifetime, and even through the macro-lens of multiple lifetimes, we journey through the quadrant of Ego Vices, which has a decidedly selfish orientation. We then move to the You Complex where our attention is on the shortfalls of the external world, which could include family, friends, work, or society in general. Next, presuming a sequential trajectory, we would spend time in the Me Complex, which is the quadrant where we first begin to recognize that our inner self is fundamental to our happiness and sense of well-being. Finally, we enter the Heart Virtues, where we begin to shift our focus from the mind’s comprehension of truth and the seeking of enlightenment, to the more active practice of expressing our heart’s virtues and energetics therein.
Many of us bounce from quadrant to quadrant within a single lifetime, and to be clear, there is no set sequence. In other words, as a child, one can live in the Heart Virtues quadrant, and by the age of seven, move to explore the You Complex. Later in life, when a young adult, they live squarely in the Ego Vices quadrant. When they reach thirty years of age, they can shift to the Me Complex, and then, because of a shattering experience, fall back to the You Complex. Finally, at the age of forty-five, they return to the Me Complex, and something in their inner search rekindles their practice and expression of the Heart Virtues, not as a random emotion, but as the core practice that brings meaning to their life.
This is just an example of how each of us journeys through these different quadrants and lives in them, largely unaware that they shape, in an important way, our IHEF contribution and the meaningfulness of our life.
The energetic quadrant is a framework to help you assess your prevailing position and IHEF contribution. You can do quick mental check-ins to sense your position within the quadrant, and sometimes, to even assess the human family as a whole. This is not an exercise in judgment (You Complex), but rather a framework to enable an intuitive check-in of your energetic progress.
From awkwardness—with practice—comes competency.
From separation—with practice—comes the prevailing sense of unity.
From disbelief—with practice—comes evidence.
When you first practice living from the heart, you might feel awkwardness, separation, and disbelief, but these are temporal states, and they will, if you persist in your practice, be replaced by competency, unity, and evidence.
The end.