
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


You can Resize the Text here: 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


16. Spiritual Practice

Accelerating Spiritual Growth
Anxiety of Ignorance
Communication with the WingMakers
Future Workers for the Grand Portal Discovery and Dissemination
Liabilities of Spiritual Students
MOTE—Minutia of the Esoteric
Need for Instruction
Public Forums and Discussions
Sovereign Integral Consciousness
Stress Created by World Events
Verifying Spiritual Truths
Working with the Lyricus and WingMakers Materials

Accelerating Spiritual Growth

Question 15-S1: What is the best and most accessible way to obtain and experience higher powers or the 'super' human state of mind. By this I refer to anything like majick, excelled intelligence and the likes - I think you get my gist.

A. I'm asked this question (or variations of it) more often than any other, and my answer is inevitably the same: Align your personal objectives with the universal objectives.

In other words, if you focus your efforts on finding the sensory data streams that resonate with your consciousness and lead to your self-mastery, these same data streams will illuminate the universal objectives as they pertain to the species of which you are a part and the planet upon which your species exists. Once this is realized - even dimly - you can align your personal path with the universal. When this done, you accelerate at the rate that is optimal for your consciousness, while remaining in balance.

Focus on alignment to that which resonates with your core instinctual sense of the universal objectives. I have made the bold assertion that the discovery of the human soul in the irrefutable laboratories of human science is the next phase of the universal objective as it pertains to the human species and planet earth. If this resonates with your core sense of purpose, then align to it. This will accelerate, amplify, and catalyze the blueprint of your Sovereign Integral state of consciousness.

Anxiety of Ignorance

As for your question, the human instrument is a complex and intricate vessel of which you, like all humans of this era, have a small degree of understanding (despite modern science). The human instrument is operating on multiple levels, multiple dimensions of time-space, and is extremely sensitive to psychic energy. It is not a function of being between worlds; it is the anxiety of ignorance.

It is entirely natural to be anxious about one's ignorance. All humans to varying degree have this anxiety. It is not reserved for those on the path of self-enlightenment; despite that fact it is articulated in the vocabulary of "dark night of soul", "the perceptual lag of spiritualization" or "self-initiatory defeatism" that have become - what my associates refer to as - the complaining vocabulary of initiates.

You relate your experience in a humorous way (in your letter). I commend your sense of humor. It certainly brought a smile to my face. Humor is an excellent weapon against the anxiety of ignorance. Just remember, in the hopes it makes you feel better, you are in very good company.

Anxiety of ignorance is as omnipresent as the human instrument itself, and its prevalence is due to the reality of the human instrument's inability to "know itself" through the mind. It can only know itself through the Wholeness Navigator, but paradoxically, this knowing is not in the format that is acceptable to the human instrument.

Communication with the WingMakers

Question 16-S1: Is it possible in your next release to give plans, diagrams, circuits and components that will facilitate a direct link to the WingMakers after the manner of an RV set that the ACIO uses.

A. I'm afraid not. If you want to communicate with the WingMakers, you simply need to apply the techniques in the Chamber Four philosophy paper and apply the principles outlined in the Chamber One philosophy. These two papers are very powerful elements in attuning to the frequency of the WingMakers. It is not that you will communicate with words, but rather you will enjoy the unmistakable presence of their consciousness. This alone is a key approach to aligning yourself to the universal objectives.

The WingMakers do the majority of their communication during the dream state because the gates of the thalamocortical system are relatively closed, and there is complete focus on the inner communication at hand. If you have willingly immersed yourself into the Wing-Makers' materials, you can safely assume that you are already in rapport with members of this teaching organization.

You are very likely experiencing the Tributary Zones during your dream state, under the tutelage of one or more of these teachers. Open yourself to this possibility and dream it alive to your senses.

Future Workers for the Grand Portal Discovery and Dissemination

Question 22-S2 - Since so much of the WingMakers' material seems destined for future generations, is there much reason for present-day generations (e.g., the elderly) to read or study the material?

A. If any material resonates as truth in your innermost mind and heart, allow it entry. Once internalized, allow it to exit freely. If it stays around, you have found a valuable asset to your evolving belief system. If it leaves or goes into hibernation, it simply means you have reason to continue your search.

This applies equally to the WingMakers' material. It is not intended to be an exclusive collection of sensory data streams. Quite the opposite. There are entities incarnated now who will be returning in human embodiment in the next one hundred years who will play a significant role in the unveiling and dissemination of the Grand Portal. Their involvement with these materials now will help them navigate to these roles because it will recalibrate their internal value system, and in some instances, literally recast their destinies.

Moreover, while the actual discovery of the Grand Portal may ultimately be credited to a handful of individuals, it will be the achievement of millions of entities that grafted their intellects, actions, and inspirational ideas together to build the ultimate mosaic of the human spirit. Anyone involved in these works will be a part of this mosaic. [See also: Significance of the Grand Portal Discovery, 17].


Question 17-S3A - What percentage of Humanity do the Hierarchy regard as,
a) Currently undergoing the first initiation
b) Have already taken it?

A. The "roof" of desire, in any divinely oriented initiate on the Sacred Path, does not consist of degrees or even the hard-earned achievements they represent. It consists of the contribution of their soul to the expansion of the evolutionary conditions of their respective species. It is for this reason that initiations are not particularly important in the eyes of the hierarchy, nor are they seen as badges of honor or credentials of higher purpose.

That said, I understand the nature of your question, and I will give you some general guidelines. There are slightly fewer than 100,000 initiates who are presently incarnated upon earth who are following the Wisdom Path loosely established by the Hierarchy. That is to say, they are following the principles as set forth by the masters and practicing these principles in their day-to-day life. Not impeccably, but with the human qualities of inconsistency.


Question 39-S3A - Is there an initiation required for students to learn the esoteric ways of the ascended masters?

A. I am one of the teachers who have some degree of intolerance towards concepts like light quotient, ascension schedules, initiations, ascension seats, etc. These concepts are of the old Tributary Zones, and they are continued by those who are prisms of these Tributary Zones who have become indoctrinated by the teacher-student ordering of the old hierarchy. This particular student was one who was impregnated by these concepts at an early age and couldn't quite let go of them.

When a student of this mindset meets a teacher like myself, it can often be unsettling for them because I will rip apart the indoctrination like someone who unwraps a mummy, exposing its frail skin to the sunlight. If the student survives this, they will look upon their role differently. They will walk a sovereign path built on their own inner wisdom, and it may not have a thing to do about the Hierarchy, or ashramic work, or this ray or that ray. It will be about the entity's expression in realtime, and how that expression is resonating with those whom its life is intricately connected. It is about living the Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral.

Returning to this individual, he came to me one day and announced his plans to leave. He had felt a need for some time to return to his indoctrination (my words, not his), and like the prodigal son, return to his master. He felt that I was not carrying on the tradition of being a master who teaches knowledge by words and deeds, that I was too enamored by teaching through art, music, psychology, etc.

To him, he needed a teacher who could tell him what to do, where to go, how to get there, and who to be once he arrived.

Question 32-S3 - I realize that you are not much into initiation levels, but simply as a point of reference, the above description reminds me of that point between the second and third initiations which DK refers to as probably the most difficult stage of human evolution, (on Earth at least). The disciple/student is in a kind of psychological no man's land, walking between two worlds. Do you see it that way?

A. There are reasons that I am not an advocate of initiation levels. It presumes a process can be imposed on, or applied to, the human instrument that is predictive of a prescribed outcome. However, the initiate who is asked to faithfully experience this process is not adequately developed in their awareness to know who is doing the "prescribing" or what is the outcome as it pertains to them as an individual. They are therefore practicing blind faith to an invisible "prescriber" - a condition that entrains the human instrument to a course of gradual awakening and over-reliance to uniform process.

Liabilities of Spiritual Students

Question 22-S3 - What are the major liabilities of disciples today - regarded by the Hierarchy? Same as they used to be? - i.e., lack of sensitivity to impression, inertia, fear, materialistic etc.

A. Here again, the Hierarchy is not unanimous. From the point of view of Lyricus, whose perspective I know best, there are three major liabilities in the disciples of today:
They operate in CoD (caves of disconnection), which undermines the spirit of collaboration and sharing that is required to refresh and revitalize the teachings. The cave metaphor is also relevant to this issue because the natural tendency of the disciple is to keep the esoteric teachings esoteric. This applies not only to the Wisdom Path of the White Lodge, but also to the related fields of genetics, particle physics, sound and light theory, cosmology, the new psychology, and so on. Disciples need to educate themselves in all of these areas because they are all related to what beckons humanity.

The teachings of the Sacred Path are neither rigid nor complete. Disciples must retain their flexibility and willingness not only to evolve the contemporary teachings into new territories of expression, but also to look for how the teachings can be synthesized or hybridized with new teachings that are arising. Disciples have the liability of being locked into the traditional paradigms and protecting their intellectual appeal for the sake of ego and the familiarity of comfort.

The esoteric is very hard to make exoteric unless it clearly demonstrates an ethical nature that is manifest in the disciple's life. In other words, the consistency of right relations and the will-to-good is expressed faithfully across the life stream of the individual. This requires an exceptionally disciplined approach to one's communication, and I use the term communication in its broadest meaning.

Question 23-S3 - What are the major areas that world disciples could be concentrating their focus, to expedite the work of the Hierarchy?

A. There is nothing to concentrate on, other than to overcome the liabilities briefly mentioned in Answer 22. I understand the nature of your question, but the Hierarchy does not require the conscious and deliberate group focus of disciples to carry out or expedite its mission.

MOTE - Minutia of the Esoteric

Question 39-S3B - Is there an initiation required for students to learn the esoteric ways of the ascended masters? [Continued from Initiation 39-S3A.]

A. ...I bid him farewell, explaining my resolution to create tools and not to instruct in what I refer to as the Minutiae of the Esoteric (MOTE). But for this student, this was what he needed. The minutiae of the esoteric was the scaffolding that supported his need for that elixir of elitism called arcane knowledge.

Experience of the Wholeness Navigator is not in any way related to MOTE, and this experience is what I teach. The problem with experiencing the Wholeness Navigator is that for some students they find themselves unable to become teachers themselves, and this is why most students or initiatives arrive to my door. They desire to be teachers of MOTE, though they masquerade as students of spirit.

Why? Because as a teacher of MOTE they suddenly belong to the Hierarchy, hoping to launch themselves like an ascending rocket to the heavens where all things are possible. The lurking, subconscious equation: Mastery of MOTE + Ascended Master + Initiation Process = Control. Thus, when a student comes to me, I scrutinize their intentions, filtering the authentic desire for experience of the Wholeness Navigator from the indoctrination artifacts that create a leaning towards MOTE.

Control is the indoctrination artifact that leads many a student to my door, though they generally are not aware of it. I would ask you to ponder this. Examine your intentions, and see if you desire experience or knowledge. They are not mutually exclusive, if experience of the Wholeness Navigator is prized above control; and if the expression of the Wholeness Navigator is honored above the acquisition of MOTE.

I will return momentarily to the scenario I mentioned earlier in this letter. If you are a prism of a contemporary Tributary Zone of resonance to your heart and mind, and that part of you, referred to as the Wholeness Navigator, arises as your teacher, you will see that you are not a concretized prism of a particular shape, but that you can shape-shift to any geometric shape desired.

This is the beauty of experiencing the Wholeness Navigator and expressing its innate abilities. You are not protecting or professing MOTE; you are not an initiate desirous of teaching and control; you are not parroting the words of your master; rather, you are transparently transforming contemporary Tributary Zones to the dispersed masses of humankind who are seeking a new direction that is illumined by the tools of art and personal experience that have been decelerated to their particular needs.

In closing, I want you to know that I am not impugning the value of the ashramic missions as I know them, but rather, as you know them. You know them through the words of prisms not yet aware of their Wholeness Navigator. You know them through the MOTE that other initiatives have expressed from obsolete Tributary Zones. There is much less division and specialization within the Hierarchy than is acknowledged.

The masters are not interested in MOTE... the initiates are.

Question 7-S3 - The Tibetan tells us that our Sun is the heart centre of our local OAWNMBS (One About Whom Naught May Be Said). Is this the heart centre of the Sirian system?

A. I'm aware there is significant speculation about this matter within a group of disciples. Please understand that from the perspective of Lyricus, it seems odd that it would be a matter of speculation by any disciple, unless of course, they are complete in their understanding of the anatomy of their individuated consciousness. And this, in my experience, is very seldom, if ever, the case.

Know thy self before the world, is an ancient edict, and the vagaries of the exterial cosmos, while interesting to know from a curiosity perspective, are not particularly relevant when compared to understanding one's personal universe.

The simple answer to your question is: no. However, instead of elaborating on your question, I choose to focus on the issue of the Minutia of the Esoteric (MOTE). MOTE creates a telescoping complexity, and as long as the foundation of one's personal universe is clear and well understood, this complexity can be integrated and useful. On the other hand, if the personal universe is faintly understood, then MOTE will serve another purpose altogether.

It is not a coincidence that Lyricus refers to this condition of exterial inquiry and speculation as MOTE. A mote around a castle is a form of protection and fortification. Think of your personal universe as a metaphor for a castle, MOTE as the mote, and the cosmos or external universe as the potential enemy for whom your mote is designed to repel. If you construct a mote you only do so if you believe the external will invade the internal and somehow weaken, diminish, or even destroy it.

In the sequencing of creation the internal begets the external and thus, no mote is required, unless of course, the creator is unsure of their creation. This is the key element to ponder.

I know there are those who will tell you that the universe is composed of an absolute and objective reality. After all, it is accurate that the sun is the center of the solar system for all who dwell upon earth. And while there are fixed rules about geography and spatial relationships, little else can be "nailed" down quite so definitely, even in the physical world -the densest of the assembled fields of vibration we call the multiverse.

However, as one casts their view beyond the MEST dimension (MEST - matter, energy, space, and time), they awaken to the realization that these superdimensions offer a subjective component that is acutely personal, malleable, and responsive. These fields of vibration support the primal impulse of the individuated and immortal consciousness that defines its reality in all worlds of its expression, including the MEST dimension. If not for the perceptual lag that MEST density necessitates, this creative flow would be clearly visible.

There is, as you know, a psychological condition sometimes referred to as consensus reality. If 5000 disciples of the Sacred Path said that Sirius' heart center was our sun, and only 5 said it was not, consensus reality dictates the five contrarians are wrong or misguided. I ask you a simple question: Why would any teacher care to dictate or even weigh in on the consensus realities of MEST when MEST is simply a distant echo or artifact of the more vibrant worlds within the individual.

It is an observation of mine that the condition of MOTE is partly an outcome of the Hierarchy's sequencing and emphasis of its dispensation of knowledge, and partly a product of how integral the personal and cosmic realms truly are.

These two realms are like conjoined twins with different personalities, minds, and temperaments, yet forced to walk as a single body. The body becomes the fixture of compromise, the garment of disorder. There is certain chaos or disorder in the conjoined worlds because like competing gravitational fields, they pull you in different directions.

Within Lyricus we have a phrase: What is within is without equal, and it arises from the smallest space where the First Vibration of the Unmanifest surges in the splendor of One World's Grace. Here you are the Creator-Perceiver as well as the Perceiver-Creator, the one who determines fate and destiny. This you can control. This you can embody for all ages. What is within the MEST worlds, you can only give your energy and time to the transitory realities of the many or the few.

I am aware that I am being abstruse, and somewhat indifferent to your original question, but if you look carefully, you'll see your answer - not so much in the literal text, but in the consciousness behind the words.

Question 8-S3 - Is the Sirian system the solar plexus centre of the being who has the Great Bear as his head centre?

A. Again, I understand and appreciate your desire to comprehend these matters, but at the risk of redundancy, how will anything I say - relevant to your question - assist you in your deeper understanding of the One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known (you). If you allow yourself to be pulled in these directions then prepare yourself to be disappointed by the de-orbiting forces that pull you into MOTE in defense of your ignorance of OWOBIK.

The desire for the knowledge of MOTE is largely a function of ego. There are many highly developed spiritual teachers with initiations in excess of the seventh level that cannot tell you fundamental answers to questions of MOTE.

This is because consensus realities - the realities of the many in MEST - do not have relevance in their teachings. I know a teacher who is gifted in the matters of the heart chakra at its most esoteric levels, but if you asked him a question like what is the relationship of S3 (sacred sound symbols) to the 268 cellular meridian lines in the palette and the hypo-thalamus, he would shrug his shoulders. He would desire to know the answer, but only because it is potentially related to his area of specialization, since the energy system of the individuated consciousness is holistic and unified.

However, if the question posed was of a cosmic order, as in your first question, he may know the answer, but would likely turn your attention to the personal level, reminding you - as I have - that before your field of inquiry expands to the cosmos, understand first what you are composed of, what you are, what your relationships are to First Source, what your service/dharma is, what you project into your personal universe and why.

From my experience, the finest teachers turn the inquiry of cosmic MOTE to the fundamental understanding of OWOBIK first, the esoteric understanding of OWOBIK second, the relationship of OWOBIK to its origins and destiny, the relationship of OWOBIK to the cosmic plan, and finally the specialization path upon which the individual will bring forward their gifts of spirit. Each stage of this sequence is not hermetically sealed from the others. The walls between them are porous, but nonetheless the teacher maintains the area of focus in the various stages.

Please understand that if I were in your presence I could ask you 10 questions about the human ear-brain complex and you would fail me 10 times. Not because this information isn't available at your local library or bookstore, but because you have not studied it. This, I assure you, is more important to understand than the cosmological order of distant solar systems.

Does my answer mean that the disciple should never make inquiries of cosmic MOTE? No. There is nothing wrong with this line of inquiry so long as you understand that it has implications and that you approach it aware of its innate shortcomings. Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes, there always are.

I have seen students who have an inborn gift for cosmic MOTE and it is an essential component of their dharma's specialization. These individuals tend to be enamored of cosmic MOTE, trying their best to articulate and validate what they intuitively sense, which are typically artifacts of other lives or portals of consciousness that are subliminal to their conscious perception. These students are like detectives in search of hidden light switches in a darkened room.

The belief - subliminal as it may be - is that if they can throw the light switches to the "on" position, their enlightenment is assured. Their karma is cleared and they are suitably in control of their destiny. The reality is that the darkened room is not cosmic, it is personal, and the darkness is the motive force that awakens the "Detective" to know thy self. The cosmic MOTE is a primary distraction along the way.

What is exciting and worthy of your energy - as it pertains to the cosmic - is the pre-form and pre-cognitive aspect: the unity behind the polarity. The multiverse is the ultimate open system, always self-correcting and seeking the dynamic equilibrium of its seed vibration. The individual is a particle of this macro-system, vibrating in resonance. In the individual's deepest core it already understands what is necessary to know about the cosmos, and it is in a developmental, evolutionary state of mimicking the pre-formative aspect of the multi-verse.

Need for Instruction

Question 65-S3 - As we read previously, the Wholeness Navigator is the fragment of First Source with all its inherent capabilities. As such it has the potential to all knowledge on-demand. Why should there be any need for the W.N. to "educate" itself in the non-physical tributary zone chambers and also be dependent on them?

Hasn't it been said that everything one needs is already contained within the Self?
"Sovereignty allows that the source of liberating information is contained within the Self, and all that is needed to create new realities is also contained within the Self. Each individual must know them self to be free of all forms of external reliance."
A. You have given voice to a question that lurks subconsciously in almost every student of the esoteric. If all knowledge is within the self, why does the student require instruction?

The key word in your question is "potential". Yes, the human instrument is inherently connected to First Source through Source Intelligence. And yes, this connection provides access to infinite and dynamic knowledge, however, this point of access or portal is not a simple thing to consciously attune to, nor is it "on-demand" at the discretion of the individual. Contact with Source Intelligence is a transformative experience and can have the unintended consequence of unbalancing an individual who is not properly prepared for the transmission.

Stepping down the vibration of sound and light, and making it more accessible to students is what Lyricus is primarily concerned with. Lyricus does not recommend that anyone become dependent on any external teacher or material. To do so, implies stagnancy and devolution relative to one's potential learning path. The WingMakers' Materials are designed to catalyze specific receptors within the individuated consciousness and create a resonance.

Through this resonance, the individual will "click into" their own awakening -revelation - transformation, and through this process they can more effectively wean themselves from external instruction and dependence.

Public Forums and Discussions

Question 16-S2 - Are the people on the discussion forum in any danger from any organizations, because of our involvement with these materials?

A. No.

Question 21-S2 - Does the discussion forum play a part in the event strings that will lead to the unveiling of the WingMakers?

A. Not in a direct manner at present, but there will be a time when the discussion forums will become more of a factor in enabling the incoming SECUs to coordinate their ideologies and vision.

Sovereign Integral Consciousness

Question 38-S3 - Why do some individuals become unattached to spiritual organizations? I feel like I should be part of a church or religious institution and establish my true place, but there's a part of me that feels my existential approach is necessary for my growth.

A. Informed entities are non-aligned for a good reason. They desire to be facile and fluent in their evolution of thought and in their absorption of new energies. This is noble. It is not something to be restless of, or disrespectful to. Rather, it is a sign that you honor the mobility of your consciousness more than its indoctrination.

Your "true place" is not a place, position, port, or location at all, but rather a projection of the attitude or outlook of the Sovereign Integral consciousness. Let me explain it this way. Imagine the following scenario: a light beam, a prism, and seven individual rays from out of this spectrum cast upon a wall. Imagine yourself looking down on this scenario.

There are four recognizable components, are there not?

1. The beam of light
2. The prism
3. The spectrum of seven rays
4. The wall

Now, let's examine the scenario more in-depth.

The wall is constructed of materials, thus the wall can be reduced to its component parts (stone, concrete, mortar, bricks, etc.). The spectrum, as we all know, represents millions of colors, though there are only seven that our eye-brain may immediately recognize. The beam of light has an origin, a wavelength and a destination. Thus, everything has a multiplicity, but the prism.

The prism remains singular and sovereign. It is the catalytic force, in part, because of this singularity. Informed entities in this time, are transforming into catalysts or "prisms", and the Tributary Zones can be likened to the beam of light. You may begin to see yourself as this prism that projects the beam of light from a Tributary Zone against the wall of your choosing. As a prism, you are no longer concerned about what ray [of the seven rays] you are affiliated with, nor the location of where that ray lands upon the wall.

Let's move to a new point of inquiry in this scenario. What is a prism? A prism is a transparent optic that is shaped to bend (transform) light. Since the refractive index of a material varies with wavelength, prisms are useful for dispersing different wavelengths of light. When light enters a solid material from air, the speed at which the light travels decreases. The light is decelerated or stepped-down. If the light enters at an off-normal angle, the direction of the light changes. The light is refracted to a new path and can illumine therein.

Consider this scenario as it applies to your "place". Note the italicized words and how they transfer to your own definitions of mission and purpose. Note also that prisms can be fashioned into a wide variety of geometric shapes, and that there can be anti-prisms as well. A triangular, equilateral (60° angle) prism disperses and decelerates light differently than a hexahedral prism.

If informed entities can be likened to prisms, then the only questions left remaining are the following:

What light beam do I disperse and decelerate (make intelligible)?
Upon what wall do I disperse the spectrum?
Where do I position myself to optimally process the light beam?
What kind and shape of prism do I choose to be?
Do you see how your question has been shifted or restructured?

In effect, I have been a prism for your question. Now that your question has been dispersed to a new wall, it can be seen in a new light. In this new light, it is no longer about affiliations or alignment or ports of call. It is about four answers that are akin to choice.

I have been purposely vague in order to furnish you with broad interpretative latitude, but then, what are catalysts for, if not to be incomplete?
There is one additional suggestion I would like to share with you.

We are entering a time when the ability to destroy the old and create the new is a skill set of unparalleled value. It takes great insight to detect the weakness of one's own work and destroy it, while creating a new work in its place. Light, as it passes through prisms, becomes degraded over time and matter. In other words, informed entities will disperse a brighter, bolder, more visible spectrum of light if the light source is of their time, space, and matter.

I am of the opinion that the power is self-contained in the new. There is only the effect of dilution by constructing bridges and hybrid models. This work is about the destruction of the old as much as it is about the construction of the new. This is yet another trait of the non-aligned - the willingness, even eagerness, to flush the mind of the old in order to attract into oneself the new.

Stress Created by World Events

Question 57-S3 - How can personal growth and global politics find common ground when there are such tremendous differences? Can you offer any advice for some of the fierce emotional battles which this material is stimulating, something to help us keep perspective? You addressed this somewhat after the 9-11 tragedy when you wrote the Reassurance Vibration, but can you offer any further insights into the present world situation?

A. In order to keep perspective amidst the seeming chaos of global politics and their offspring, you need nothing more than to listen to music that resonates with your sense of beauty. Music is the therapy of the mind and spirit, which in turn influence the body. The entire physical body is an "ear" just as the entire mind is also an "ear". These two "ears" regulate - in large measure - the levels of stress that impact on each individual. I would also add that there is nothing to reconcile between the global and personal realms.

What occurs on the global stage is part of a larger drama that provides individuals with a platform for discourse and interaction. Modern media simply makes these dramas more accessible in real-time, thus raising the level of stress because in real-time there is limited factual context. The facts emerge in the future - sometimes measured in days, sometimes in decades. Speculation is the fuel of dramas as well as human interactions. It is not necessary, or even desirable, that the personal realm be reconciled with global politics.

What occurs in the personal realm is infinitely more transformational than what can occur in the global - particularly where politics is concerned.

Verifying Spiritual Truths

Question 42-S3 - My frustration has always been that these technicalities are wonderful, but with no way of verifying their reality in my own consciousness what real value do they have?

A. Remember that concepts and thoughts have both form and energy, even if they are not clearly evident to the human senses. Concepts, as vague as they may seem, possess an energy system that radiates from their deepest core. In other words, a person might have a vague concept of First Source, but no matter how vague the concept is it is linked to the deepest experience of First Source.

You can imagine that a concept has multiple levels of reality. One person can, for the first time, read a word like Spirit and gain a vague understanding, and, over the course of their lifetime, continually deepen their understanding. In some rare instances, they may even experience a state of connection to Spirit (or Source Intelligence). At the point of experience, they realize that the word Spirit is a hollow symbol, but one filled with a trace of the radiance or energy from the experience.

Think of it like this: a radiant ball of energy (like the sun) burns underneath all concepts related to First Source. Around this energy are thousands of layers of interpretation - some of these are words, some symbols, some emotions, some mental constructs, some are pictures, some are dreams, some are hopes, etc. However, every level contains some of the light and energy of that radiant ball of energy, and because of this, it magnetically pulls the consciousness of the individual deeper into awareness.

This is true of the technicalities you refer to. Verification is only accessible in personal experience, and even this is temporary within the 3-dimensional world. I have known students, who have been granted wonderful exposure to these "radiant balls of energy", and they often fall into doubt and even depression after the experience because they cannot sustain their belief that the experience was authentic.

In other words, even verification or personal experience is overrated. It only matters how you transfer your level of experience and knowledge into works that are aligned to the objectives of First Source and live your life according to the principles of the Sovereign Integral. If you have a very basic knowledge of these concepts, but you live according to the principles of the Sovereign Integral and you produce expressions aligned to First Source, you have your verification in your words and deeds, and you add to the radiant energy system of these concepts.

The keyword is add to the radiant energy system, not experience them for purposes of verification. I know you might think that by verification or personal experience you would be better able to add to the radiant energy system, but only in rare instances is this true. For most, they become unbalanced and seek more experiences.

Their desire to experience overpowers their desire to practice the simple, but powerful principles of the Sovereign Integral.

Working with the Lyricus and WingMakers Materials

Question 14-S1: In using the WingMakers CD's, will each of us notice any physical/ spiritual changes taking place within our bodies? Or will only some people?

A. No one who immerses within the WingMakers' data stream will be unaffected. This is because of how the frequencies of the light and sound (from the art and music) will affect the thalamocortical system, and how this system, in turn, effects consciousness. How far the individual immerses in the data stream will define how well they are able to establish these new frequencies in their consciousness (see Chamber Four Philosophy paper for an example of a more complete immersion).

Initially, an individual may encounter difficulties as a "clearing" of the old is made to accommodate the new frequencies, but if the individual proceeds and pushes beyond the clearing, they will be rewarded with a new sense of balance, expansion of consciousness, and most importantly, the new thought stream that proceeds from the WingMakers' sensory data stream.

These new thoughts produce new, creative actions and event-strings that lead to an entity's purpose becoming manifest.

Question 33-S3 - My wife and I have done two grand cycles as discussed in the 4th Philosophy. We are planning to start a third one. Should this be an ongoing exercise? And should we continue with the other two exercises in the fourth philosophy paper? Beyond this we meditate everyday as part of our daily routine. Are there particular meditations or exercises associated with your teachings on experiencing the Wholeness Navigator which go beyond what is given in the WingMakers material?

A. As with any procedure that is distributed from the WingMakers and intended to reconnect you with the Wholeness Navigator, it is advisable to treat the procedure as an ongoing exercise. You will be guided to perform this exercise; you will not have to impose a structure of repetition.
There are many techniques that will be released in the years ahead related to the Lyricus discourses.

However, the WingMakers' Materials in their physical format are like the shadows of a greater body of work that is contained within the Galactic Tributary Zones. Your Wholeness Navigator is aware of these because you have been to these worlds in your dream and waking state. The WingMakers' Materials trigger this response, whether you are listening to the Chamber Music, examining the art, reading the poetry, or contemplating a philosophical stanza.

However, the shift in consciousness is extremely subtle and virtually undetectable to the human instrument familiar with human conditioning.

Question 61-S3 - Is there a specific way to pronounce the mantra "ohn-haktu-samo" or is this something we need to discover on our own?

A. The mantra is pronounced phonetically as it is written. I would only add that as with any mantra, it operates rhythmically with the breath (externally) and the mental image (internally). The mental image is not the black screen of neutrality as some teach. It is the image of your fundamental self - however you choose to picture it. (Expect this image to change over time.)

Question 67-S3 - I'm trying to understand the inter-relation of Entity & Wholeness Navigator: It has been written that the Entity is a fragment of the Spirit aspect of First Source and the Wholeness Navigator is the heart of the entity consciousness, but that all human life is also embedded with a Wholeness Navigator. Is it the same Wholeness Navigator of the Entity's heart that has a simultaneous presence in all human bodies under the Entity's control or are there different Wholeness Navigators for every body?

A. I would encourage you to read the essay on the WingMakers site that is entitled Anatomy of the Individuated Consciousness. I do not know the link, but if you perform a search on the site using this title, I'm sure you will find it. This essay answers your question. [Reference: www.wingmakers.com/anatomyofindividuatedconsciousness.html]


Question 63-S3 - "There is encoded in each of the time capsules, a system of languages that can lead the individual to their core expression. It is hidden because it is so powerful. And we will only lead the worthy to this power."
Why is the word "worthy" used here? For me it evokes feelings of doubt and distrust as to the purpose of the whole Wingmaker's Myth because I was taught in my religious upbringing that "only the worthy could enter the kingdom of heaven and only Jesus' sacrifice on the cross could make us worthy."

What do you mean by worthy?

A. Worthiness, in this context, simply means that the individual has obtained a state of harmlessness where the power of the higher languages is not abused or applied for personal gain. The emotional body is a renegade within the human instrument. It possesses great powers of will and determination, but it is also capricious and undisciplined.

It is this volatile combination unmanaged that prevents the embodiment of the higher powers, which the human body was designed to contain and control. Those who are worthy have learned how to manage this element of their human instrument.

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1