
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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SECTION  7. Belief and the Larger Plan
Heart-Mind Intention Makes the Difference
The Larger Plan and Purpose
A Spiritual Imperative

“We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart.”
- Blaise Pascal

Heart-Mind Intention Makes the Difference

At this point, you may be asking why you should believe that practicing when-which-how is any more effective than behaving in a loving and kind manner toward those you encounter in your day-to-day activities. Generally speaking, there is not much of a difference. There is no question that practicing goodwill, showing common courtesies, and practicing good manners form a solid foundation for right human relationships. Honestly speaking, however, it’s relatively easy to be nice to people when we don’t have to live with them or have to spend hours working with them each day. In fact, most of the stress and emotional negativity we experience is produced by our relationships with those closest to us, whether they are family members, co-workers, or friends. And yet, even in our closest relationships, it might be difficult to comprehend the difference between being kind and understanding and practicing when-which-how.

But there is actually a vast difference. It’s the difference between a light in a room and a light specifically directed at an object of art—displayed with appreciation. It’s the difference between the sound of an orchestra tuning its instruments before the symphony and the sound of the symphony itself—played with humility. It’s the difference between the chaotic clash of colors in a child’s finger-painting and the harmonic combinations of color and perspective in the work of a great master—created with understanding. It’s the difference between spending your paycheck on whatever you desire and spending your paycheck to take care of your family—spent with compassion. The distinguishing features of these examples are the intentional, intelligent, efficient, and virtuous uses of energy.

Here is the point. We can be kind to others and intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently transmit compassion to them. We can thank someone for holding a door open for us and we can intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently transmit appreciation to them. We can listen to our spouse’s complaints after a frustrating day at work and we can intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently express to them our understanding. In other words, practicing when-which-how does not eliminate the practice of goodwill—it strengthens it. Practicing when-which-how does not eliminate lending a sympathetic and thoughtful ear to a family member’s rough day at work or school—it eases the pain. Practicing when-which-how adds an entirely new dimension to every relationship and encounter we have in life.

Practicing when-which-how increases and strengthens the relatively small amount of positive emotional energy that already exists in the social order—that energy generated by people of goodwill. It doesn’t replace good manners, decency, morals or ethics with its own brand of behavior. On the contrary, it contributes to the established, traditional sense of good that already exists in society and at the same time, it raises the quality of goodness by bringing a new dimension of love to others—a new reality of love to the world.

Not only do we have light in our room, but we now have a light intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently, focused on a beautiful work of art with appreciation.

Not only do we have instruments capable of producing sounds, but we now have a collection of instruments intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently, producing a beautiful symphony of sound with humility.

Not only do we have paints, canvas, and fingers that can express a child’s creative urge, but we now have the tools that allow us to intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently, produce beautiful paintings with understanding.

Not only do we have the ability to earn a living, but we now can intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently, manage the fruits of our labors with compassion.

Not only do we have the ability to be decent, kind, and good to one another, but we now can intentionally, intelligently, and efficiently transmit appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and valor to ourselves and anyone we choose.

If your experiences in the everyday world have taught you that being decent, polite, and kind to others makes you and others feel good, reduces tensions, leads to positive social interactions, contributes to better understanding, increases the simple pleasures of living, and generally makes life more enjoyable, then how might practicing when-which-how contribute to these experiences? This is something worth thinking about. If you believe that your life is qualitatively better by being a kind and decent person, then practicing when-which-how may very likely contribute to that belief. This small step in belief can result in a giant step in experience. By adding this new reality, this new dimension to your life, you may find your life more meaningful and more satisfying than you do now. Your third-dimensional goodness may be uplifted, upgraded, and even upended by the addition of this new dimension of love. By adding this new dimension to the inherent goodness you already possess, you will have added a fourth dimension to your life. You will be living from the heart by expressing its fourth-dimensional virtues.


Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

                                                                   -The Buddha

These words of the Buddha are as true today as they were 2500 years ago. They are especially relevant to the practice of when-which-how because the Buddha, in his search for truth, did not adhere to any particular faith or spiritual practice. He experimented with various approaches to God or some ultimate reality, but found none that satisfied him. So, he finally sat down under the bodhi tree until he saw the truth as he understood it. He then declared the now famous Fourfold Truths and the Eightfold Path leading to the end of suffering.

The word, bodhi comes from Sanskrit root budh which means to awaken, thus the Buddha is the awakened one. Basically, this means that the Buddha awoke to his own higher self. In turn, if the practitioners of when-which-how can learn to quiet the mind, be present in the moment, and observe, they can also awaken to the higher self. Thus, in the stillness created by this practice, the sound and light of the higher self can be experienced as it is transmitted through the energetic heart. Interestingly, we could say that the Buddha was practicing the when-which-how technique of his era. His conclusions about the nature of life were essentially faith agnostic.

This path is not owned by anyone or any organization, and those who travel it are essentially faith agnostic, which is to say, they do not look upon this practice as affiliated with a particular religion, spiritual inquiry system, scientific endeavor, New Age belief system, or spiritual master. It is a framework as old as the soul itself, and its chief principle is the ongoing practice of the six heart virtues in one’s daily life. In doing this, the reality that surrounds you will assemble its own path to a higher understanding, suited specifically to you.

Technically speaking, the Buddha’s approach to truth may not be exact in every detail when compared to this quotation from “Living from the Heart.” Nevertheless, the spirit of the Buddha’s approach resonates with the spirit of when-which-how. This is evident by his enlightened re-cognition that a framework for approaching a higher spiritual reality always, already exists, prior to and independent of all religious, spiritual, philosophical, and psychological forms and systems. These systems of belief are spacetime reflections of a transcendent reality, a Source Intelligence, an Underivative Information Structure, a Domain of Unity.

Thus, as one who was faith agnostic relative to his own era, the Buddha practiced his own approach to spirit and sat under the bodhi tree in meditation until he was enlightened in regard to the cause of human suffering and how to end it. As a result of his perseverance, patience, and effort, to paraphrase the last quotation—the reality that surrounded him assembled its own path to a higher understanding, suited specifically to him.

So what is the Buddha advising us to do? He is advising us to test whatever practice we feel attracted to and then to observe and analyze the practice. If it “agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

We might conclude from Buddha’s words that:

Observation is made possible by the quieting of the mind’s thoughts, resulting in hearing the heart’s voice.
Analysis is the responding activity of the mind after listening to the heart’s voice.

Out of this symbiotic relationship comes the possibility that, with persistence, patience, and effort, reality will eventually assemble “its own path to a higher understanding suited specifically to you.”

If we are willing to test the theory of practicing when-which-how, then we should observe and analyze our internal attitudes and external behaviors in relation to our practice. If, through our observations and analyses, our practice seems reasonable to us and “contributes to the good and benefit of one and all,” then our confidence in the practice will grow and so will our belief. This approach agrees with the advice of the Buddha.

There are, however, two paragraphs in “Living from the Heart” which suggest that the when-which-how technique is part of a larger plan. This passage goes on to suggest that a belief in this larger plan will increase the power of our practice, thus making it more effective and of greater service to humanity. Section three of “Living from the Heart” is entitled, The Heart-Mind Intention. Here is an extract from the end of that section.

Simply practicing a new discipline doesn’t attract its full power. There must be an attendant belief—a genuineness in the practice—that what you are doing is part of a larger plan; that it is connected, like bricks in a wall, to a larger purpose. 
This attendant belief often takes a while to accrue its power. It is not something you can manufacture artificially. In a sense, it is part of the learning curve and grows over time as you become more comfortable with the practice or technique.
These are interesting comments about the role of belief in the practice. At the initial stages of this work, there must be “a genuineness in the practice” based on a belief that the practice is connected to a “larger plan…to a larger purpose.” Notice that we are not being asked to believe in the practice itself, but to believe in a larger plan which contains the practice. (It must be said here that belief plays an important part in the practice, but this passage is pointing us to a wider belief.) This plan or purpose is described as an attendant belief. We will discuss this larger plan shortly.

The quotation goes on to explain, that when we begin to grasp the larger plan—the macro-vision level related to our purpose and destiny as a species—we accrue greater power to our practice at the micro-vision level as individual soul-personalities within the species. In other words, when we, as individuals, intentionally contribute our positive emotions to the collective human energetic field or CHEF, we are directly serving the fulfillment of our species’ purpose and destiny at the macro level.

If the vision of this greater plan and purpose resonates with you, if it makes you feel good inside, if it seems right to you, if it excites you and awakens your desire to involve yourself in its goals, then there is some part of you that believes it. That part is most probably your own higher self. You feel this in your heart.

If you are attracted to the WingMakers/Lyricus material, with its macro-vision of a larger plan and a larger purpose for humanity, then there must be something in this material that you believe in. If you feel this magnetic draw, then your energy field is in resonance with the energy signature set up by the WingMakers and Lyricus materials. Although we have no physical proof that this material is true, many of us have all the proof we need because we feel the rightness of it by the feelings coming from our hearts. In these feelings lie trust and recognition.

Up till now, the material has demanded little from us. Indeed, I know that many people have criticized the material because it has not seemed of practical value in helping us to solve the world’s problems. That position is debatable, but now that debate is unnecessary because of the Event Temples concept and the new materials related to emotional self-mastery. These materials take the WingMakers community to a new phase of activity that is eminently of service to humankind through the specific practice of when-which-how.

The Larger Plan and Purpose

This larger plan and purpose is a vision of our future as a species. It is a beautiful and inspiring vision that everyone practicing emotional self-mastery and the when-which-how technique can be involved in. It is our choice. If you find yourself resonating strongly to the ideas in “Living from the Heart,” then the following words should prove especially meaningful.

There is a tremendous accumulation of the third-dimensional energetics and these constrain the higher energetics born in your higher practices. But these are the very conditions or catalysts that transform or burn off the old energetics and create the shift into the higher dimensions of being. This is all part of the reason for your incarnation: To transform the accumulation of third-dimensional grids of energy into higher dimensional grids that can shift these energetics and move the planet and its “visitors” to its next incarnation within the higher octave of new energies, discoveries, and supernal destiny that supports the Grand Portal.
According to this extract, the individual practice of when-which-how and the community practice of the Event Temples are works that support the future discovery of the Grand Portal. This idea is supported by referring to the fourth philosophy paper of the WingMakers. This paper is entitled, “Beliefs and Their Energy Systems.” This paper explains that all beliefs are based on energy systems. It is fair to say that the when-which-how practice is a system of beliefs and therefore, is based on an energy system. This particular energy system, generally speaking, consists of the soul, the six virtues, and the energetic heart.

The fourth philosophy paper explains that energy systems become embedded in our DNA and that the nature of life in the three-dimensional worlds has created an energy system of survival within the human species. This has resulted in a belief system which holds that conformity to the social order is the best method of survival. Consequently, Earth’s humanity has created belief systems based on survivorship. Here is a quotation from “Beliefs and Their Energy Systems.”

Within the boundaries of the survival-based energy system are transition zones that permit a re-casting of one’s belief system in accordance to cosmological, multidimensional energy systems. Think of these transition zones as isolated portals of energy that intersect the dominant energy system of the human species not unlike energy vortexes intersecting space.
These transition zones appear similar to this description in “Living from the Heart.”

It is a fallacy to believe that the entire matrix of reality conforms to the Law of Attraction or that the mind can direct matter with precision and consistency. Nonetheless, there are pockets of reality where your intention or power of thought-belief can be influential and reality will accommodate your thought-belief, sometimes with remarkable precision. The when-which-how practice is one such place or “pocket” that you can carve out from reality’s matrix and influence with your heart-mind intention. Indeed, this is part of the broader practice.
These “pockets of reality” from “Living from the Heart” appear to be closely related to or identical to the transitions zones described in “Beliefs and Their Energy Systems.” These transitions zones are like “isolated portals of energy” or the “pockets of reality” which will “accommodate [our] thought belief,” as described in “Living from the Heart.” We can create these pockets of reality with our heart-mind intention.

If we can create these pockets of reality, then it is not too much of a stretch to believe that the Lyricus teachers can also create these pockets of reality. The pockets of reality created by the Lyricus Teaching Order are the transition zones they call Tributary Zones and the Grand Portal. We might speculate that our self-created “pockets of reality” are like mini or micro-transition zones that are resonating with the greater transition zones of Lyricus. Our practice could be based on a Tributary Zone that may lead to the discovery of the Grand Portal.

Published on the Wingmakers website in 2001, the fourth philosophy paper presented an overview of a larger plan and purpose for humanity. It describes physical Tributary Zones that will be created for our shift to a greater reality. Now, in 2007, the newly introduced concepts of the Event Temples, emotional self-mastery, the virtues of the heart, and the practice of when-which-how appear to directly support and work with one such Tributary Zone.

In any case, if our belief system is based on the energy system of the virtues of the heart emanating from the soul, it will still resonate to the transition zone of the Grand Portal. Why? Because the Grand Portal is inherently related to the soul. It’s all about the soul and its discovery by humanity. For emphasis I will repeat the quotation from “Living from the Heart.”

This is all part of the reason for your incarnation: To transform the accumulation of third-dimensional grids of energy into higher dimensional grids that can shift these energetics and move the planet and its “visitors” to its next incarnation within the higher octave of new energies, discoveries, and supernal destiny that supports the Grand Portal.
Thus, we are quite possibly working toward the Grand Portal through the Event Temple Tributary Zone. Consequently, the practice of when-which-how is not an isolated undertaking. It is a practice that will alleviate human suffering in the near term. Its long term goal, however, is rooted in revolution more than evolution because it has the potential of supporting the discovery of the human soul and the multidimensional nature of human existence; in other words—the Grand Portal.

Our participation in this Event Temple experiment and this practice of emotional self-mastery is a quantum step in the history of our planet. Do not underestimate its value. Do not lose this opportunity to be a revolutionary of spiritual consciousness. The vast majority of us have no idea where we came from before this life. We have little idea where we are going after this life. We have little idea of why we are here. Yet, one thing seems obvious: we have been drawn to something much bigger than ourselves. We have been attracted to the light like the moth to the flame, but unlike the moth, we are entities designed with free will. If we make the choice to work and live from the heart, we can make a difference in the transition of our planet from a three-dimensional world of ignorance, separation, and fear, to one of understanding, unity, and love.

A Spiritual Imperative

Our solar system has an appointment with a stream of potent new energies radiating from the center of our galaxy. We enter the height of this energy flow circa 2012. As of this writing, details of the effects of this cosmic conjunction are sketchy, but in general, we will be exposed to a new kind of light. One of the reasons we are being encouraged to work at emotional self-mastery is to soften the impact of these new forces on our energy bodies. Apparently, this new energy has a close affinity to our energetic hearts. By learning to practice when-which-how through the incorporation of the six heart virtues into our individual energy fields, we will greatly lessen the stress on our human instruments. The same holds true for the collective human energetic field, the CHEF. The closer the CHEF matches the new incoming energies, the easier it will be for humanity to adjust to the heightened frequencies of our planet. The greater the disparity, the greater the reaction between the old frequencies and the new.

This might be comparable to the weather conditions produced when a cold air mass collides with a warm air mass. If the difference in temperatures between the two masses is large, then violent weather is often the result. When the differences in temperature are small, the weather conditions produced are mild or insignificant.

Assuming this analogy applies to the 2012 impact, it would be much better for the CHEF to match its emotional temperature as closely as possible to the incoming air mass in order to avoid a violent reaction. Obviously, if the CHEF is affected by this high frequency energy, then all individual human energetic fields (IHEF) are affected also.

Taking all this into account, practitioners of when-which-how have a two-fold task to perform in order to prepare for this event. First, we must increase the vibratory frequency of our own energy fields so that we can more easily mesh with the incoming energies. This means we instill positive emotional energies in our individual fields. By doing this, we increase the emotional positive energy of the CHEF by default. Second, we can serve humanity in a most practical way by transmitting the six heart virtues as often and as skillfully as we can to as many people as we can. Hence, through the practice of when-which-how, we can help raise the level of the CHEF prior to and after the impact.

In fact, our services will be needed throughout this century because these energies are transformative to our planet’s energy field. For example, when a powerful storm approaches land, it raises the level of the sea and when it departs, it allows the sea to return to its normal level. Nevertheless, such storms are powerful enough to transform the contours of a coastline. In a similar way, this cosmic energy will change the contours of our planetary environment. The only difference in the analogy is that unlike the storm’s approach to us, our planet is approaching the energy. This is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new phase of human living.

In order to flourish in the energetics of this new world, we will have to possess energetics that are aligned with these new ones. You might wonder, “How can we gain these new energies if our planet has not yet encountered them?” It’s quite probable that the Lyricus teachers already have knowledge about the nature and the effects of the energy that we will be encountering. Therefore, they can guide us in how we can develop this energy in ourselves prior to its impact on our planet. The instructions and practices associated with the Event Temples website (and to a lesser extent, the WingMakers and Lyricus websites) are key elements in this preparation. It is quite possible that the Event Temples website is a Tributary Zone.

Hence, we have been given a template for raising our individual energy fields in advance of a major shift in the energy quality of our planet. This template is often referred to as a platform or framework for our practice of when-which-how. We now know that the platform consists, in part, of the six heart virtues. Our task is to build the frequencies of these virtues into our emotional and mental fields. Our ability to raise the quality of our fields to the point that they can sustain the conscious presence of the six virtues indicates a distinct level of coherence. This means that you can express any virtue internally and externally as the need arises. This is the art of the genuine because what you express on the outside is the same as what you feel on the inside. You are the real deal; you are genuine in your thought, feeling, and action. You are firmly aligned from soul to sole—the individuated consciousness bridging Heaven and Earth.

Apparently, the next five to seven years are going to be especially difficult for the human race. In order to minimize the effects of our passage through this galactic energy stream, it is simply common sense that we prepare ourselves and others for the impact. This is not too much different from taking precautionary steps prior to the arrival of bad weather.

Therefore, as individuals who have been attracted to this material (setting aside the question of why), we have a golden opportunity to serve the planet during this transition. In fact, the new conditions that we will be living in after the shift in energies will demand that we make the adjustment. Those of us who have a head start in this adjustment, through the practice of when-which-how, have some responsibility to pass this knowledge and practice on to others. We also have some responsibility for helping to shift the CHEF to a positive emotional state. Remember the clashing air masses. In effect, our efforts to equalize the emotional temperatures sooner rather than later is like a spiritual imperative.

One important point. This is not about proselytizing and saving the souls of those who may not make it through the passage. That is an old model of reality that is rapidly being replaced by a new model. Practically speaking, it seems only logical that those who know more about these matters than we do (the Lyricus Teaching Order), are already taking advantage of their know-ledge about this coming dimensional shift. They do this by introducing new models of reality—realities that are more suited to the new energy dimensions that we are soon going to be living in.

Thus, as practitioners of emotional self-mastery, we are engaged in a new model of reality identified as the transformation/mastership model. (Recall track-treat-transform.) The old model of reality is identified as the evolution/saviorship model and it basically taught that one could only reach God through an intermediary priesthood.

These two models are heading toward a synthesis model in which we can save ourselves through mastery and transformation. In this new model, the saving force comes from within our own being and not from some outside source. Consequently, practitioners are not saving others by convincing them to turn to emotional self-mastery. Instead, practitioners are turning negative emotions into positive ones. Practitioners are “grounding” the heart virtues in the field of human endeavor. As a result, practitioners are clarifying the emotional environment through the introduction of positive heart energetics. As practitioners save themselves, they automatically contribute positive energetics into the CHEF that others can use in order to save themselves. In turn, this gives millions of individuals the opportunity to discover these energetics for themselves because the clarified emotional atmosphere is healthy and positive. It encourages exploration by its very nature. Thus, others are eager to seek out the source of these refreshing energies that they are feeling in their own individual energy fields.

Our practice can turn the tide. But for that to happen, we must do the work. Learning to be coherent is the art of the genuine. It leads to powerful effects that can transform the negative emotional field of our planet into a positive emotional field. A positive field such as this can propel us toward the discovery of the Grand Portal. It is truly a privilege to be participating in this process. Finally, whether you are already a practitioner, are considering joining us, or are merely curious about the topic, I welcome you as a fellow explorer with appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and valor, as we travel together on this amazing planet we call Earth.

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1