
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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“Separation is a fractal energy. It infects everything within the Hologram of Deception to such a degree that it’s not recognizable. No matter how well intentioned a person or organization might be to convey true information, what often lurks behind the information is this fractal energy of separation and its use of comparison and judgment and all the other tools of separation that distill down to fear and unworthiness.

“It’s as if the internal programming of Marduk and the external programming of the Triad of Power echoes around in all content of all times and cultures, so common and accepted, as to be unnoticeable

We have accepted separation, because it seems normal. Thus our behaviors and perceptions, driven largely by the unconscious mind, embody separation, and the vast majority of us do not even know it.”

Live the I AM WE ARE in your behaviors and leave the mind. Shutter it. The mind is programmed to compare and analyze, which feeds the me-you separation…

“The WingMakers are focused on behavioral intelligence expressed through the lens of oneness and equality. The I AM WE ARE is rooted in this principle. It may not seem like a big deal to adopt this simple philosophical perspective, and frankly, it isn’t, because they’re simply words and it’s only a concept. But if it’s genuinely adopted and anchored in the core of your belief system, then you can possess the necessary commitment to express this in your behaviors. 

Extracted from the Fifth Interview of Dr. Neruda

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1