
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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Final Thoughts 

Spiritual Activism is not passive. There is no shortage of worthwhile, charitable programs that are helping people in very tangible ways with food, water, education, and simple human dignity. You will find that as you follow this path you will be drawn to the very real and pressing plight of millions of people and animals on this planet. The needs are immense from nearly every angle. 

The notion that spiritual activism is purely a thought activity is misguided. This paper tries to articulate the underpinnings of spiritual activism and how it serves the most basic need of our human family to reconnect with its Spiritual Center without the polarization of religion, government, education, or social conditioning. But studying the issues that our planet is facing is a way to ground your practices into real-world activities. 

The major challenges facing humanity today are global, and therefore affect all of us. They are typically expressed in words like climate change, lack of fresh water, everdecreasing bio-diversity, war and terrorism, food shortages, poverty, fossil fuel dependence, and over-population. This paper suggests that these manifestations are a result of a deeper, more subtle issue, that we are disconnected and living in our old mental paradigms of polarity and separation. 

If we are to shift to the authentic self that expresses through the six heart virtues, and views the universe through the four perspectives of the Spiritual Center, we are nudging the human species in this same direction—one person at a time. I realize this seems like a slow, tedious process, but think of it like an avalanche. An avalanche zone acquires snow over a period of months, and then as a critical mass is achieved, the tiniest vibration can cause a chain reaction that—in a matter of a single moment—releases the stored energy and transforms the landscape. 

Each of you is that “tiniest vibration.” Each of you is part of the transformation that will occur. Our experiences, at the Spiritual Center, are concerned with completion, wholeness, unity, and the sense that the core is everywhere within everyone. The vibration of Source, flowing through the Spiritual Center, facilitated and guided through the human instrument adds a new dimension to communication and human expression. 

This new dimension is the tiniest vibration. 

Live this new dimension and imagine yourself to be the tiniest vibration. The transformation we all seek is coming, but the road is neither smooth nor straight, and this is why we must live in our heart’s expression and come together. The petty separations and dramas of the ego will be eclipsed by the reality of this transformation. Now is the time to make a clear path to your Spiritual Center and ground this understanding in your heart and in your actions. 

The vibration of the quantum being is encompassing. Relative understanding is sequential; it slows you down in separate, cognitive steps of comprehension that build on one another. Vibrational cognition, or realization, is like an avalanche, it breaks you free from within. It is transcendent, unified, and therefore uncorrelated to separation or sequence.

 For most within the enlightenment communities, the diagram below maps some of the issues that are confronting us, not all of which are real, but are nonetheless ricocheting around the web, books, television, and films. As issues of concern, they impinge on our personality and, to varying degrees, infect us with stress and anxiety. They are the “walls” that are perceived as moving in on us, adding the sense of time compression to our lives and a growing sense of an unavoidable “crash” or doom.

The result of this fear is the “reach-out” to a Savior—someone or some thing that will save humanity from itself. There is a savior emerging for humanity, it is the Collective Spiritual Center flowing into a sufficient number of human instruments that will reassign the trajectory of humanity to a new course plotted by the tone of equality, the regal sphere of our connectedness, and the surety of our collective heart. 

Over time, these stressors accumulate and make their energetic “deposit” into the human instrument and begin to obstruct the flow of energy in the physical, emotional, and mental domains. If you follow the techniques in this paper, you will find simple methodologies to release these obstructions and open the bandwidth between your physical body and Spiritual Center, and everywhere in-between. 

This is not a mental exercise or a pledge you salute and then go about your business as before, forgiving the hypocrisy of believing one thing and acting another. Authenticity and behavioral intelligence are the watchwords of this new era. They are the chisel in your hands, and without this chisel you are spectators in the stadium of the elite. Please take this to heart. Everything depends on it. 

From my world to yours, 


I Live Where You Live

I live where you live;
where rounded hills and flowered valleys
settle beneath the sky,
and skyscrapers claw against gravity.
It may seem
that I have left you with strange faces,
but I live where you live.
When you have left
the things you cherish in your mind
you will find what remains
inside you,
and it is not of gloom
nor toilsome handiwork
wrought of hand and brain.
I am not God, nor some lofty spirit unseen.
I am not the angel’s voice in the quickening night
nor the soft whisper of your awakened dreams.
I am present in the one place that is all places.
I live where you live.
When you have claimed the name of God
you have felt shadows of our union.
You have fathomed a mask
that glistens a feeble photon of light
wandering unfettered into
the night’s industry.
When you have taken this mask
from your heart
and held it to the calm night sky
let nothing stir within you.
Let the winds dance with forgiveness.
Breathe the essence of me
and let it be alive inside you
flowing to your heart’s command.
If you press the hand of God
upon you there
you can sense oneness in every eye.
I am the sovereign within all living forms
and I pass among you
in the oblivion of your breath,
and the beating of your hearts.
In the land of war and peace
I am the mystery of good and evil
amid the flowering of oneness.
I live in the corridors of a deeper unity
where identity is One
and personality is many.
Near-infinite voices
leap from the same heart
wandering to oneness
on the roads of time.
No heart is separate
from the one Heart.
No breath is ever alone.
Love given
is never lost.
I live where you live.

NOTES: Quantum Pause

The universal support system for each of us is our breath. It is the breath that connects us to our point of origin, the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness that is our pure state of being.

Breath is the way in which the human instrument connects to this origin point anywhere in spacetime. Breath is the portal between the physical dimension and the quantum or interdimensional domains, but it is not the normal, autonomic breathing, rather it is a very specific breathing pattern called Quantum Pause.

Quantum Pause is a simple, four-stage process beginning with an in-breath of anywhere between three and six counts (depending on your lung capacity), posture, and degree of privacy. After you have gathered in your breath, breathing through your nose, you hold it (pause) for an equal count, and then exhale through your mouth, again, for the same count, and then hold (pause) for the same count.

The breath pattern is described below using an example of a four count. The key is to maintain symmetry in each of the four segments of the process. If you are using a three count, apply it equally in each segment. It is not essential that you monitor this with precision, instead, apply a casual monitoring of your time for each segment and keep a consistency to the flow.

One cycle is described above, and it is recommended to do three to four cycles in a row and then return to normal breathing. This “normal” breathing period is called the Consolidation period. Keep your eyes closed throughout the process and sit with your back straight in a comfortable position, both feet on the ground. When you begin your consolidation period, it is a time for you to bring focus and all of your attention to those things that bubble to the surface of your consciousness, knowing that these arise for a reason. This is an excellent time to apply the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding) to any thought or feeling that manifests.

This consolidation period usually lasts about three to five minutes, but there are no set time limits. Use your intuition to guide this period of time. Generally, each repetition of the consolidation, and usually there are four or five, becomes less crowded with thoughts or feelings, and by the time you enter the final consolidation period you have emptied yourself of thoughts and feelings and entered the quantum domain.

The diagram below depicts a typical session of Quantum Pause. Notice there are three cycles of the breath and then a consolidation period in this particular example. This repeats four times. You can have as many as five cycles of breath interspersed with consolidation periods, again, symmetry is important.

There are many nuances to the Quantum Pause technique, and I would encourage you to discover them on your own, in your own way. This is but a basic technique that I have shared with you, but there are subtleties to this technique that are powerful enhancements and these will occur to you while you’re in the process of using the technique, so remain open while you practice it.

Some quick suggestions to get you started. The quantum pause immediately after the out-breath can provide a subtle sense of panic for some people. If this occurs, shorten your count so you have less time elapse for each segment. For example, if you were using a four count cycle, shorten it to three. This feeling of panic will go away as you practice the technique. These “hitches” or quantum pauses have a purpose that you will come to understand.

I would also suggest that you focus your attention on your breath—its sound, its texture, how it feels inside your lungs, how your lips form in the out-breath, how it flows through your system, etc. This focus aligns you with First Point or the origin point of your Sovereign Integral because it is the breath that is the Portal of the infinite and eternal being that you truly are, and it is through this portal that it is manifesting in physicality.

When using Quantum Pause, there is a natural tendency to look for the experience of Light or to see new dimensions, speak with Beings or even God, or have a “wow” experience that confirms you are on the right path. The practice of Quantum Pause will bring you new experiences and awareness, but leave your expectations behind. Again, we all love visual stimuli. We love to see higher dimensions as if seeing is believing. But all that is in the quantum spacetime does not conform to the Human Mind System. Quantum is origin. It is meta-physical, which precedes visual, acoustic, and sensory data. It precedes feelings and thoughts. It exists before these stimuli and is indeed hidden behind them to some extent.

You can use Quantum Pause before entering EVT 3, even if only one consolidation period is used. Experiment and see if you can use it to contemplate the paradigms in this paper. Quantum Pause is an excellent method to sense, resonate, and navigate problems or opportunities. It will help you place a context for energies that are compressing on you or hindering you in some ways. Remember, you are One Entity with the Universe as your playground.


Ishdeep Sahni and Mark Hempel were instrumental in the content development related to the diagrams for Quantum Perspective and Source Sync. Mark worked diligently with me to create the graphics for the diagrams. Mark and Ernest were also critical in the technical production and design of the EVT 3 site. And finally, John Berges helped in the editing of this paper. To all of these people I extend my heartfelt appreciation for their contributions.

Music, video, poetry, cover art (front and back), and text of EVT 3 created by James expressly for the Temple of Spiritual Activism. 

Original music from EVT 3 is available on the WingMakers.com website in the Audio Downloads section.Music

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1