
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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9. Lyricus Teaching Order

Lyricus Teachers   
Form Builders of Lyricus  
Multi-location Ability  
Release of New Material


Question 6-S2 - How did the WingMakers reveal themselves to you and place a profound calling upon your life?

A. I am a member of a teaching order that has existed before the creation of the planet earth. I realize this may seem like an impossible reality, but it is my reality nonetheless. This teaching order is allied with the esoteric teaching orders of earth. The teaching order of which I represent is not known in your world because it has chosen to remain hidden until the Grand Portal discovery process is made public.

You may refer to my teaching order as Lyricus. It is the closest name that resembles the vibration of its true name in your native language. Lyricus is aligned with the Central Race, or WingMakers, and the great majority of its members are from the Central Race. Within Lyricus, expertise is centered on seven disciplines.

These include the fields of genetics, cosmological sciences, metaphysics, sensory data streams, psycho-coherence, and cultural evolution. We are not, as you can see, focused exclusively on philosophy or spiritual teachings. Our central purpose is the irrefutable discovery of the humanoid soul upon three-dimensional, life-bearing planets.

Lyricus could be likened to the Jesuits or Tibetan monks of the Central Race, except that they place a much more significant emphasis on the nexus of the integrated sciences and arts.

Nonetheless, they are a faction of the Central Race and bear responsibility for shepherding the humanoid populations within the universe to the Grand Portal, and thereby indoctrinating the species, as a whole, into the broader network of the intelligent, interconnected universe.

This task requires a very broad agenda, encompassing genetics at its core, and the other six disciplines mentioned above as integral, but peripheral forces that propel a humanoid species to discover its own animating life force - the Wholeness Navigator. Lyricus employs a variety of sensory data streams to awaken a species, ranging from music, books, art, science, culture, and mythology.

Generally, these are isolated expressions, but as the species draws closer to the Grand Portal, the sensory data streams are increasingly integrated, encoded, and represent potent forces for expansion of consciousness.

Upon earth there is an order of non-physical teachers with whom we coordinate our agenda and essential objectives. These teachers are experienced in the human condition, and thus possess the critical elements of compassion and empathy of which we - of Lyricus - are sometimes less replete. They provide stewardship of our objectives in the context of the human condition and advise us in the matters of the emotional and mental conflicts that confound and confuse humanity.

Now, back to your question. I am a teacher of encoded sensory data streams and was trained, at my request, to embody as the human translator of the galactic Tributary Zones, making them intelligible to the human race of the 21st century.

The WingMakers did not reveal themselves to me any more than fellow human beings "reveal" themselves to you.

Note: The following three paragraphs describing the Lyricus Teaching Order originate in Question 5-S3. I have placed this information here for continuity of the topic.

Perhaps one of the greatest secrets in the universe - as it pertains to organizations - is the Lyricus Teaching Order.

It is a bedrock SOA [see Source Organizational Alignment] that is invisible and likes to remain so until the Grand Portal is discovered. If its identity were disclosed sooner, it would fall under swift and persistent attack by every quarter of power. (Within Lyricus, we refer to the Quarters of Power as consisting of government, science, religion, and culture.) We know this from experience.

Thus, we work through existing structures and place our influence within every quarter. I am not, by any means, the only one representing Lyricus who is embodied at this time on Earth. While I may be the nucleus of the cultural power quarter, I have counterparts in each of the other three quarters who are equally absent of notoriety and visible presence, but nonetheless are quietly going about developing their missions to promote the changes required to discover the Grand Portal.

Even as we introduce ourselves to Earth, it is done under the guise of mythology and story. We do not assert ourselves in the context of fact because we would then certainly be feared by the alignment of power within each quarter. In this fear lies the natural tension of a species as it nears the Grand Portal.

The quarters of power will resist if they know the goal is to establish the Grand Portal as a node on the Sovereign Integral Network. This resistance would make impossible the necessary funding and lawmaking to achieve this breakthrough discovery. Thus, Lyricus sends catalysts to each quarter for the purpose of establishing a "null zone" that can act as an incubator and catalyst of these required changes.

Lyricus is an unimaginably large SOA with substantial influence and authority. Its "director" is the 7th Archetype of First Source. You can think of Lyricus as the preservationists of truth, and the only "truth" we seek to preserve is the accessibility granted a humanoid species to discover - through its own initiative - the Grand Portal.

We work at the level of a species, not an individual, although we do work with individuals as a means to test our knowledge of the species.

Earth-based organizations in the religious quarter are more inclined to work with individuals, so it is understandable that when someone hears about Lyricus or the WingMakers, they would naturally assert that DK [see Djwhal Khul] didn't disclose our existence, which is odd, especially if we were aligned in our objectives.


Question 9-S3 - If, 'Lyricus is aligned with the Central Race, or WingMakers, and the great majority of its members are from the Central Race,' does that emanate from within this solar system, and if so what scheme and globe? If outside the system, are we talking in the region of the Pleiades? (The teachings do have a strong Ray 3, third aspect about them)

If this is so, then does the 'Central Race' have any relationship to the Central Spiritual Sun?

This particular questioner is seeking a correspondence between the third ray of Active Intelligence which relates to the "region of the Pleiades" (according to the esoteric cosmology of the Bailey/DK books), and Lyricus.

Note: there are many websites available with information about the seven rays.

A. Lyricus is foremost a teaching brotherhood organized around seven knowledge categories - each a component of the process that enables a species to position their apex technology and knowledge in pursuit of the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul (known as the Grand Portal).

This discovery, unlike the more personal, introspective process of the individual, is engineered for a species at large, and therefore, implies a much more significant effort and coordination.

It is in service to this goal, that the Central Spiritual Sun is indeed aligned and serves as an amplification system to the goals of Lyricus. The primary relationship between Lyricus and the Central Spiritual Sun is comparable to a sailboat and its relationship to the wind. Since Lyricus is an outbound mission, the Central Sun acts as an energizing force in the distribution of the teachings of Lyricus - not so much as a creator of content and principle, but rather as a readiness or preparatory factor in the target species for the Lyricus teachings.

While Lyricus is aligned intellectually to the Hierarchy and its goals and objectives, it also carries a separate teaching through encoded sound and light, of which WingMakers is a part.

In his answer, James is using the term "Hierarchy" according to the Theosophical model, as explained in the Introduction. James is using the vocabulary most familiar to the questioner. See the section, Source Organizational Alignment (SOA) and Earth's SOA.

Question 52-S3 - Did the WM have dealings with any others in our neck of the woods, galaxy, etc.? Is that why there are other teachings, like Urantia, and other channeled materials that are very similar to WM Philosophy?

A. The exportation of the teachings called WingMakers is in fact the work assembled by Lyricus. The name WingMakers is simply an encoded word that has been used to represent a portion of these teachings for humanity. In terms of Lyricus' mandate and reach, it is as far-reaching as any organization within the universe, and it is certainly an influence in other life-bearing planets within the Milky Way galaxy.

Other teachings like Urantia or channeled teaching stem from different sources. In some cases there is similarity and to the degree this occurs, it is because the universe is not entirely subjective.

Lyricus Teachers

Question 53-S3 - Did they (the WingMakers) actually incarnate here to leave the artifacts or did they just manifest it and leave?

A. Representatives from Lyricus incarnate amongst humanity instead of physically traveling to life-bearing planets in spaceships or other types of vehicles. This is done for efficiencies, stealth, and deepening the understanding of how to integrate the Lyricus teachings into the indigenous culture.

These personalities are mostly invisible among the human population. As they near their eleventh birthday they typically become activated by another Lyricus member who has come before them that triggers their consciousness. These catalysts from Lyricus may be physically present or spiritually connected at the dream/ subconscious levels.

Whatever the case, this activation is what "downloads" the mission objectives and triggers the sense of inviolate duty that accompanies these embedded workers of Lyricus.


Question 28B-S3 - When I first read Vision of Mantustia I thought that this Being might be Sanat Kumara. Is Mantustia Sanat Kumara and if not who is Mantustia?

A. Mantustia is an ascended master who is a remarkable entity of planetary significance to Earth, however, it is not Sanat Kumara. Within the Lyricus teaching order there are distinctions between personalities based on the teaching method employed by the personality. There is a wide range of methodologies that can be employed, and there are certain teachers who have found methods to synthesize these methods in such a way that they can cause revelatory experience in their students through a simple exchange of language.

Mantustia has developed many of the most famous discourses of Lyricus. He is a master's master of the most esoteric order within Lyricus that develops discourses, instructional methodologies, and experiential learning environments within the human genome. You will be able to recognize his voice as it is has an uncanny ability to integrate paradox with truth in an authoritative undertone.

If heard in its pure, native language, Mantustia's voice and wisdom borders on the incomparable.

Form Builders of Lyricus

Question 2-S3 - Are the WingMakers similar to the Manasaputras or the Greater Builders as referred to in some literature?

The name "Manasaputras" is Sanskrit and generally means "Sons of Mind." These are an advanced order of cosmic lives who are the builders of worlds. These beings are sometimes referred to in Theosophical literature and in the books of Alice A. Bailey (AAB). The section, Teachings of Djwhal Khul (DK) and Alice A. Bailey, provides further information.

A. The Form Builders (as I refer to them) are not the WingMakers. Think of the WingMakers as a collective identity, similar to the term we would use for "humanity", except that the WingMakers represent the 7th universe central race. They are the "child" of the 7th Archetype of First Source, while humanity is the "child" of the WingMakers.

Within the WingMakers, just as within humanity, there is tremendous diversity. In other words, not everyone who is a member of the 7th universe central race is concerned with the spiritual welfare of humanity. Thus, a teaching resource was developed in very, very ancient times (as humanity thinks of these things), called Lyricus (its real name cannot be disclosed in the spoken languages of Earth).

Lyricus, in itself, is a mythical wisp of smoke in the arcane/occult/mystery schools of Earth. I am not permitted to disclose much about this organization, so it forces me to "dance" around questions a bit. The Form Builders are emissaries of Lyricus, but they are decidedly different from WingMakers in that their function for existence is to be exported to developing, life-bearing planets, and act as the genetic forbearers of humanoid life forms.

Within Lyricus are seven primary disciplines of knowledge. The centermost and unifying discipline is genetics. The Form Builders are part of this discipline, but they are more concerned with the species at its formative stages of development, and less so when it nears its apex opportunities for discovering the Grand Portal. The Form Builders are creations of Lyricus.

You've heard the expression "cycles within cycles" or wheels within wheels. Here it is expressed in the fact that each life-bearing galaxy has a humanoid archetype just as each of the seven universes has one, and within each sector of a galaxy (usually divided into approximately 1,000 sectors) there resides a sub-archetype based on the galactic model. This sub-archetype is what is referred to in the arcane school as the Form Builders.

It is one of the beautiful ironies of First Source, that Form Builders, for all their mysterious and cloaked identity, are actually present in every living human in the form of their body, mind, and spirit integration. The Form Builders are part of a very extensive organization within Lyricus that you can think of as a vast scientific body of geneticists, but not of the kind of Earth. Form Builders do not study genetics, they create them; and they do not reveal their creations, they are their creations.

The strongest bridge between the AAB materials and the WMM is the Lyricus teaching order, but it will take some time before the teachings of Lyricus are brought to Earth.

Nonetheless, when these teachings are released, they will support the weight of many, many students as they migrate from the old worldview of spirituality to the new.

The following diagram is taken directly from James' answer to this question
concerning the Manasaputras or what James calls, "Form Builders."

Multi-location Ability

Question 27-S3 - Is it fair to state that you are part of a Lyricus Teaching Order which is based in the Sirian (Corteum) system despite the fact that you hail from a distant galaxy?

A. This is a difficult question to answer, at least with words. It requires that you reorganize your definition of an entity. Your question implies that I cannot operate in multiple systems simultaneously. I know you are aware that there are those within the Brotherhood [Earth's Hierarchy of teachers] who practice bi-location.

While this is typically considered in the context of a physical body, multi-location in the higher bodies is not only possible, but also necessary for members of Lyricus.

Time will not permit me to list the reasons for this, though the most important reason is quite intuitive: multi-location enables us to "spread" the presence of our vibratory knowledge to a wider audience.

Release of New Material

Question 3-S2 - What process is undertaken to decide upon a public release date for each piece of material? For example do you have a list that says e.g. 20th February 2008 philosophy 23 is released?

A. The assessment is based on factors I cannot - at this time - disclose. There is a general schedule for release, but it is not specified to the day or even week and month. It is triggered, in part, by external events.

Question 54B-S3 - By what means are "they" keeping track of our progress in assimilating the material? Where are they now?

A. There is no one who "tracks" an individual's progress in assimilating the teachings of Lyricus. Everyone emits or broadcasts a signature vibration. This vibration is collectively woven into a species. It is this vibration that is "read" by Lyricus and it is understood in general terms what the progress of the species is based on this collective signature.

Question 55-S3 - What changes can we expect to feel before we are ready for more categories to be revealed?

A. I'm not sure what you meant by "categories". I will assume you mean the seven disciplines of Lyricus. The signature vibration of the species determines the timing of this dispensation - exoterically speaking.

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1