
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


You can Resize the Text here: 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


17. Various Topics

Disease and Medical Research
One World Religion
Future Teachings
One World Religion
Urantia Book
Year 2012


Question 58-S3 - Will the next material give reference to the "Harmonic Concordance" that is being talked about now? This relates to a special astrological geometric pattern, which will be formed on November 8, 2003, at 8:l2 AM EST. The primary feature is a Grand Sextile and at the time of total lunar eclipse. Does astrology play any part in the WingMakers philosophy or cosmology?

A. The teachings of Lyricus do not involve astrology. The reason is simple: astrology is subjective to time and place, and because of this subjectivity it is impossible to embed fundamental truth that is sustainable and relevant across multiple places and times.

This does not suggest that heavenly bodies do not impact on humans. They most certainly do, in more ways than astrology recognizes. The Harmonic Concordance - like all astronomical events that seem orderly (non-random) - is indicative of how the grander scale of the universe can imprint on the consciousness of a species and an individual.

The universe is a powerful catalyst of the inborn instinct to ascend in consciousness, but our species has fallen to the gaze of a ten-foot experience called television, and seldom, if ever, searches the night sky.


Another interesting example, the concept of cloning is decisively absent in any of the esoteric works, and yet I can tell you quite candidly that the investigation into cloning will yield a very critical component to the discovery of the Grand Portal.

Again, when scientific vocabulary and constructs are absent from a religious body of work, the text will tend to gravitate to the etheric or the moral. The former being highly subjective and therefore relatively immaterial, and the latter expressing the bias of control and is therefore limiting. The masters of the Great White Lodge [Earth's spiritual Hierarchy] did not intend this; they simply lacked vocabulary and understanding.

Question 18-S3 - Given that bio-technology is booming and that there are many ethical concerns about harvesting stem cells from foetuses, cloning etc., do the Hierarchy regard any of it as being useful? Or is it just humanity creating monsters on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral as they did in Lemuria - but this time with more intelligence? Is the karma of that period working itself out now?

A. The research into cloning will uncover an important component of the Grand Portal. It is seen as vital research and is nearly always a necessary step on the path to discovery in a developing species. The human genome research does not, in and of itself, concern itself with the replicable nature of recombinant DNA, and it is this distinction that makes research into cloning valuable.

There is within this study an emerging knowledge of how Primal DNA can be scientifically activated by interacting with the gatekeepers of a specific gene's potential: histones.

Disease and Medical Research

Question 19-S3 - In light of the above, and given that much karma works itself out generically through the human body, how do the Hierarchy regard science trying to cure cancer and other karmically engendered diseases, in uterus or otherwise? In other words, how would the karma work itself out - through other physical means (i.e. the body might break down anyway, just like 'Dolly' the cloned sheep), or at another level?

A. The answer to this question lies in the law of natural selection. There are some conditions in life (and this is one of them) that are not caused by a higher spiritual law (karmic in nature), but rather are a result of fundamental physical principles like gravity. The law of natural selection is one of these. When you tamper with genetics via medical interventions, you are tampering with this law and you can expect repercussions.

Also, it is a false assumption that disease is "karmically engendered". Disease is an outgrowth of many things, sometime it's karmically related, but more times than not, it is an outgrowth of a deeper purpose: in this case, the discovery of soul. Without the medical technology that disease demands, the human soul would remain a fixture of faith and therefore it would find its way into a subset of a species, but not carry the powerful import as when it is proven to exist by science.

Disease serves a purpose for the broader species even though it seems absurd in the context of the individual. The medical technology that a species develops to combat its own mortality, is precisely the technical footing required for science to prove the existence of soul (Grand Portal).

Question 20-S3 - Is SARS a bio-weapon, and if so, who developed and employed it? Or is it a result of mass fear, as other flues are esoterically regarded?

A. SARS is a natural outgrowth of biodiversity and the fusion of organic species. There is nothing insidious about its outbreak that could not have been prevented by better hygiene.

One World Religion

Here's another example. If you examine the construct of the One World Religion, as defined by many different earth-based masters, including DK, you will see that this is not a description of the Grand Portal, or the post-Grand Portal convergence.

It is instead an "echo" of the grand Portal that travels through the deceleration of vocabulary and language, and, as a result, is dressed in the cliche of oneness, unity, heaven on earth, return of the masters, the reign of justice, etc. These descriptions lack the integrated vision of the seven-fold forces or disciplines that will unite to bring about this discovery, and the resulting acceleration of humanity as it achieves entry onto the Sovereign Integral Network.

This is worthy of your contemplation. Vocabulary inhibits revelation more than any other device. This is why encoding and extra-sensory instruction is so vital.

Future Teachings

Question 16-S3 - DK said that in this century (XX century) a disciple would come forth to carry on a third installment of the teachings that Blavatsky and Bailey started. Has that disciple come forth yet, and are those teachings in process of dissemination by a Master to a disciple? What form are these teachings in, or do they vary radically from that given forth previously? If so, which Master is doing this (DK?) and who is the disciple, or what part of the world do they reside?

A. I'm unable to comment on this particular question at this time.


Question 29-S3 - It strongly suggests that Patanjali may have been part of the Lyricus Teaching Order. Was Patanjali a WingMaker and a member of Lyricus? With all due respect does the letter P in Master P refer to P(atanjali)?

A. Patanjali is not specifically concerned with Lyricus. He is associated with the planetary teaching order of this sector of the Milky Way galaxy. The sutras of Patanjali are designed to align an entity with the unification vibration instilled within the Wholeness Navigator. Unfortunately, they were applied for other purposes by most initiates (e.g., mind control), and in this mis-application, their innate power was diminished.

Patanjali's presence on Earth is well obscured because of his extraterrestrial origins. He was an advanced thinker and academician of his time, and very few could understand his real teachings in regard to synchronizing the vibration of the Wholeness Navigator to the human instrument.

I am unable, at this time, to answer your question regarding Master P.

The Urantia Book

Question 23-S2:  There are several references within The Urantia Book that seem to be corroborated by the WingMakers' material. An example is the planetary reference number of earth. Also, the cosmological structure as depicted in The Urantia Book seems similar in some respects to the WingMakers. How does The Urantia Book factor into the WingMakers materials?

A. The Urantia Book is a Tributary Zone. It is not associated with one of the seven Tributary Zones because these are encoded sensory data streams, and The Urantia Book is pure text without encoding. Nonetheless, it's part of the collection of Tributary Zones for stage two as talked about in question 17 [See Christ Mission and Work.]

The Urantia Book is most closely aligned with Lyricus' cosmological sciences discipline, but it was not written or composed by Lyricus. It derives mostly from interdimensional sources - the equivalent of an earth-based teaching organization, only from a different planetary system. Sometimes planetary systems will exchange important writings or revelatory works for the purpose of circulating philosophical ideas or important revelations.

This work is such an example.

Question 4-S3 - After this someone asked why there was so much Urantia material in the WingMakers material. I answered that some of the cosmology fit in, but that, to paraphrase myself,
"James mixes in material from various sources. For instance, Chakobsa is from Frank Herbert's Dune."
I am curious about this myself and admit that The Urantia Book does not resonate well with me. Parts of it are quite fascinating and other parts are narrow-minded and simplistic. For instance, with all due respect, although I generally understand the concept of the seven superuniverses and Grand Universe, etc., the diagram and explanations seem almost childish. For instance, most who have studied A Treatise on Cosmic Fire will consider the WM cosmology as expressed in terms of the Urantia model to be inferior by comparison.

I am not saying that I or they fully understand TCF, but that the vision which it communicates is far more sophisticated than the simple presentation to date of the WM concept based at least partially on Urantia.

A. This is an interesting topic. First, your assumption that the WingMakers' Materials are based on The Urantia Book is not accurate.
Within this galaxy, the cosmology presented in The Urantia Book is considered one of the two best depictions of the structure of the Grand Universe. (The book referred to in the Ancient Arrow Project, Liminal Cosmogony, is considered the other.)

It so happens that the WingMakers' material is not based on this depiction, but rather it is based on the reality of the physical Grand Universe, which happens to coincide with the view held by The Urantia Book. I hold to the opinion that the works of AAB do not compare to The Urantia Book or Liminal Cosmogony in terms of its presentation of the cosmological structure of the physical universe.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is more concerned with the macrocosm and microcosm definitions as they pertain to a narrow field of view of the multiverse. Its insight and resulting presentation of the cosmological structure of the Grand Universe is unsubstantial, and its prolific use of the Eastern esoteric terminology provides a barrier to the Western mind, something that The Urantia Book does not. This is not a criticism of Cosmic Fire, but it is one of the reasons that the readership of The Urantia Book is more widespread than A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

With regard to the simplistic approach to cosmology as contained in the current WingMak-ers' Material, this is done for several reasons. First it is not the purpose of these materials to teach the cosmology of the physical Grand Universe or the subtle fields of vibration known as the multiverse or multi-dimensional reality. There are books yet to come that will do this. The WingMakers' Material is designed to inspire newly incarnated personalities to their earthly purpose - the discovery of the Grand Portal.

It is one of many works that will have this impact. It is a signpost, not an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a catalyst, not an expository of spiritual or cosmological information.

Year 2012

Question 20-S2:  Many talk of the significance of 2012 to mankind. What is the truth behind 2012?

A. Understand one thing, significance is a relative term. To me, for example, significance is measured by the degree in which humankind edges closer to the discovery of the Grand Portal. Thus, using my criteria, the year 2012 is not a particularly significant year. However, if someone is more attuned to the physical environment, the year 2012 may indeed hold some significant events. [See James' paper: "The Energetic Heart: Its Purpose in Human Destiny."].

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1